Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All Day.

That's what I said out loud prior to my last rep of my last set today in the long cycle clean and press. I was finishing up my third set of 10 and 10 with the 24 kg and honestly felt I could press it as many times as I wanted to.

Now I know that's not true but it sure felt like it and it hasn't felt like that much in eons, although it is happening more and more. Today the 24 kg felt like a 16 and that makes me very very happy:)

Tracy even asked as I finished the set after she recorded my last side of reps " is it speed press day?" Felt like it.

I've laddered up from 5's to 10's with the 24 but never multiple sets and never starting with the top end weight. I hadn't planned on doing it but I thought I might not get more than one set so I recorded the first one just in case. But it was easy and I knew I was good for three.

All the heavy single work as well as all the double presses are paying off, as is all the rehab and mobility work.These felt like toys today.

6 am stretchout mobility

great session today with lots of splits, hurdle step work, overhead stretches and the usual suspects of Rifga poses especially some 3-4 minute set of downward dog.

8:30 am Long cycle clean and press, one bell

one arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3
one arm cleans
16 kg x 5/5 x 2

long cycle c&p
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5

24 kg x10/10 x 3 sets pr!

It's always nice to back down to a weight that used to be your top end training weight and have it feel like the light day work it has become. I'm finally on the RIGHT side of momentum as Coach Stevo would put it.

Capt America Shoulder Casts

I was inspired to do these shoulder casts( didn't know what they were called before) after watching Alberto Gallazi do them with EASE with a 97 lb CB!!! in the middle of a class with no warmup.

20 lb x 10/10
25 lb x 8/8
35 x8 x 6 sets ( I did one hand position at a time, rested and repeated with the other hand position).

The 35 lber finally felt light and I have to get a Bruiser soon ( 45 lbs) it seems. I like this version and will add it to the mix.

Tactical Pullups

6 sets of 3 TO ABOVE CHIN!

these went up effortlessly and are the closest I've been to the throat since I started training them again. Locking into the hollow body position and winding up of the toque into external rotation for the shoulder is really paying off. My body feels like one solid segment as I initiate the pull.

Hanging leg raises
4 sets of 5.

so easy. wow.

Bodyblade Laterals
5 sets of 8 each side.

20 minutes of stretchout, client no show. Perfect workout and Tracy just rocked her 14 kg presses for 8's as well, her best effort to date.


1 comment:

Iron Tamer said...

Strong stuff with good insight as always Rif.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...