Saturday, July 16, 2005

Swing squats

Felt ready to go after a good nights sleep. I always sleep well after I dont sleep at all the night before. Go figure.
Only thing good about really hot summer days is that it takes so little to get warmed up!

53x10x5 sets very strong.

72x10 YES! No problems wahtsoever. Strength is all from the mind. I've decided I want to be strong again and my entire mindset towards the weight changed. Instead of thinking the 72 is heavy and scary I'm thinking I have to bring the Bulldog back to Stones to swing and the 72 wont be the max anymore.Hell maybe I'll bring that ugly 95 pounder Pig I have as well. Been eating more protein too and that is helping me feel stronger and recover faster.

BU press
44x3+3 strong!
53x2+2 Yes! PR on the right side
53x2+2 excellent
53x1.5 r/2 left getting tired

44x5+5 what a differnce a little weight makes in this one.
36x10+10 long cycle. like a toy.

kb lunges ( high shoulder rack. saw this in Mike Mahlers Aggressive KB training and its great. now I dont have to worry about the shoudlers giving out first.)
x10+10 feeling strong.


1 comment:

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

rif- just found out about your blog. i'm newly getting into KBs and i love them. i hope to learn some things from your blog.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...