Friday, July 01, 2005

Handstand and routines.just like the old days

H2H in the park with Mike.

took the 16 kg today and it was definitely more challenging. Mike likes to switch exercises virtually every set, which I dont like.I need a more defined routine ,done over and over.Its the OCD maybe :))

Routine One:H2H progressions
1) around the body pass
2) around leg pass/counter clock wise
3) figure eights
4)around leg pass underhand flip to opposite hand
5)around body pass / around leg pass
6) two hand swing flip
7)one hand flip alternate hand
8)one hand flip overhand to alternate hand
9)one hand swing/flip to opposite side catch
10)one hand swing/flip to opposite side snatch

this is a good start.

tactical lunges
bottoms up snatches
swing flip squats push

Pavel told me to lower the reps and make it heavier. good advice.strength is always good.


Yes I did the first handstands I have done in ten years or more.and they were not that hard.
combine 20 pounds les weight, a LOT more shoulder stability and overhead strength and strong hands and I am ready to do these again it seems.

This make me VERY happy . would love to be able to do some HS pushups as well someday. it also looks like it will really help my shoulder flexibility on the right side.

ya mon.

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