Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Balancing quads and hams

I don't do too well on a diet of pure swings and snatches. Too much hip and not enough quad and my ham pulls my pelvis down and rotate my left leg out .Have to do those front squats and lunges and my gait improves almost immediately.THis is also true for farmers walks as well. Overload for gait.

5 AM RIS twenty minutes. I really needed this. Have to stretch out each morning. Have to.


Bosu ball squats
36x8( weight held on chest)
44x6x2 these KILL abs!

one foot bosu balance: got 45 seconds on left leg significantly better than last week.
JM drills on bosu eyes closed.

26x5+5 this feel suprisingly good.
36x5+5 better. Starting my right side as a kind of "push/side press to the starting position. Takes SO much torque off my shoulder joint. Not the full ROM but the strong part.
53x5+5x2 very happy with form.

Bottoms up press:
36x3+3 this really gets my right lat perfectly. If I press it right with the lat my shoulder Doesnt hurt!
44x2+2 solid
53x1 each side. attempted a second each side and almost got it on the left. ties PR on BU press
53x1+1 better
44x3+3 strong!

kb lunges, low rack
36x8+8 these have NEVER felt better
53x8+8 can say they were easy.and thats never the case
72x8+8x2!!! big PR and strong.
53x12x2 left leg only strong.

bosu balance left leg only
45 secs x two attempts. should got the first one lost concentration. leg was stronger than first attempt.

1 minute 15 with tap offs two times.overload.


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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...