Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bosu Practice.

I've been standing on the bosu almost every day these last few weeks and I have to say I have noticed a very definite improvement in my very bad left knee,especially in the last week. Normally I dont have full extension in the knee, nor full ROM ,which means the thing can get very tight very quickly just from small amounts of standing or walking.I am constantly trying to find ways to stretch out the IT band and the outer head of the hamstring which tightens up mightily and really puts a torque on my lower leg and then my knee. and then my hip and spine.

Its all connected.

Since I have been standing on the bosu,especially in my one foot stance, I've noticed how much stretch I get when letting my heel drop down into the ball. and the knee lock out)Normally I think if trying to maintain balance on the foot by having even weight distribution( eg wobble board).

By letting the heel sink fully my hams really stretch and the quads can contract very strongly. It almost feels like a terminal knee extension you do at the physio.I can keep pushing through the heel and get a stronger quad contraction and subsequent hamstring release.

BY pulling up my knee cap I can maximize this. Also by standing on the down side of the dome I put the calf into a prestretch at the start of the drill. This is one thing I really like about the bosu and am discovering more about every day How to use ALL SIDES of the dome.
What side activates what section of my body. very interesting stuff.

For instance I was walking in place on the bosu with the left foot right behind the bullseye on the down side and the right foot on the right side trying to get my medial arch to activate( plantar faci been bothering me). This worked like a charm and when I got off the ball after 15 minutes my knee was back in place and my opposite side foot arch felt fine. I am also using perfect alignment and tapping off with toes or hands whenever I need to so as not to get too lateral .Seems when I fight to hard to keep balance the knee goes out and adjusts wierdly.

also spent about 5 minutes each hour this morning just standing and playing with the bola or balancing during work. this is when the knee toqued out on me- standing with the knee in flexion is no good.-have to lockout and drop the heel.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...