Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Double Windmills and DARCs

AM Bosu work:
grease the groove with one foot stands throughout the morning. 5-6 times.

1 pm:
Decided to do some double windmills today to address my left hip and right lat weaknesses similtaneously.

36 up/18 low for 5 left side only
44up/36 lo for 5 left side
53up/44 lo for 5 left side wow this was harder than expected on my right hand!Much shorter ROM but a very interesting dynamic and connection beween the left and right arm.
53 up/36 lox5 better

72x4 not bad at all left only
72x5 strong. left only

need to do right arm overhead supports when I only do the left side windmill.

DARCS ( no warmup- this is for you Bill)
53x80 new PR I actually was warm from the windmills
53x60 almost as hard
210 reps ( after reading cotters 1000 rep one arm swing w/o I feel like a wimp.

bottoms up cleans ( hand is too sore to do reg cleans)
x10+10 ! easy.was going to do eight but it was too easy. grip and total body tightness feel great. I know I will be able to BU clean the bulldog soon.

Bosu ball stands
8 reps 30 seconds

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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...