Wednesday, July 13, 2005

WIndmill PR and DARCS

Killer way to start the week with seven straight hours of bodywork and a 3:45 am wakeup. Lovely.

left arm 36x5
right arm bw stretch x5
left arm 44x5
right arm bw stretchx5
left arm 53x5 EASY!
right arm 36x5 its so much nicer when it opens up. using my side press start technique, working well.
left arm 72x4!!!! PR! not hard at all. The two pood falls.
left arm 44x5 not quite ready for more
left arm 72x5! easier than first set,
right arm 53x5 not bad at all.
been stretching out the windmill position all day too.

pretty warmed up.

72x65! not bad at al
72x40 sprint jumped the last time.

one arm two kb swings
44+36(80) x10
53+36( 89) x8 these are tough! I love them. really hits my hips HARD.

ran out of time- supposed to do bottoms up presses.

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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...