Sunday, July 24, 2005

Kelii. Perhaps the toughest powerlifter I have ever known, male or female.I had the pleasure of coaching and training with her for nine years, including three IPF World Championships.

I have NEVER seen her quit on a lift, in training or competition.Her best total, done at the venerable Ironman competition was 1014 at 123 lbs and having had a terrible flu for a weekprior to the meet! This included a 391 squat, a 230 bench and and 391 deadlift.

Kelii was legendary for her unbeleivable raw strength. She would constantly
try to beat everyone she trained with, no matter they were male and outweighed her by a hundred pounds or more. I considered myself happy if I stayed 100 pound ahead of her in any lift!

Some of her best training lifts

413 pound squat( in old school single ply suit)
250 pound bench press( in single ply denim shirt)
3 full rep dips with 100 pound db attached.
Power good mornings with 315 pounds
5 pullups with 50 pounds attached
spread eagle situps with 100 pound db at the forehead( her abs strength was insane!)

She had numerous serious injuries including two torn hamstrings and cracked ribs and never ever quit.

She also had a bad habit( my coaching errors) of doing good mornings with her opening squats in competitions. This lead to way too many 359 pound good mornings that she ground out til completion. We should have trained full squats instead of so many box squats but man was she tough!

I have also never seen anybody pull so hard on the deadlift. It didnt matter where she hit the sticking point she would finish the lift, no matter how long it took. ANd this is from a 40 plus year old, lifetime drug free 123 pound woman. unbeleivable.
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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...