Monday, November 29, 2021

210 x 1 x 7 sets PR

 This could have been a disaster but ended up pretty decently. 175 felt freaking heavy although 195 moved ok. then onto 205 and a miss with soft knees. Great. Another night of broken sleep and 173 lb bodyweight and I didn't exactly feel strong or powerful

Pulled head out of ass and 205 for the second set moved ok

Then, onto 210 for  some pretty decent sets
I was setting up in front of the bar pretty  well, and locking my  knees but also taking time to squeeze the glute which though off my timing
sets 3 and 5 were best

then I realized I was holding the glutes tight too long and just focused on the Ed Coan set up, then locking the knees then going. worked best

then onto wt pushps
3 x 10 with  53

then one arm and rear laterals

3 x 10/10 and 10 each with 20s

BW 173.8
BF 14.2

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16 kg Swing Vo2 20 set of 10, Press 165 x 1 x 10, band pushdowns, rev curls

 Started off with swing Vo2 . Been a minute since I did this and boy could I tell.At one point I did 30  min of 15:15 with the 24! Crazy. I ...