Saturday, September 03, 2011

28 kg Long cycle clean and press 6x2

Seems like I haven't done single arm long cycle clean and presses heavy in forever so it's time to up the weight a bit. In keeping with my fondness for mutliple sets of low(er) reps in presses, and not knowing how my still funky left bicep tendon would behave I settle on sets of 2 reps with the 28.

Got a solid 60 min stretchout in today at 7 and that always helps.Lots of focus on releasing all the known suspects in biceps impingment such as pec minor and major, lats and teres major and the arm elbow flexors, that, in me at least seem to always make their way up the spider web of fascia and pull too hard on my shoulder capsule, taking it out of neutral and intro impingement

Getting to open up isn't the issue, it's keeping it in and sleeping on it doesn't help although I consciously try not too, most of the time I'm not conscious :)) and end on it too much. More overhead stretching and really getting the pain ball in the pec major,pronator teres, supinator and brachioradialis.

Lots of shoulder band distaction ala Kstar which helped, once I found the correct angle.then my normal stretchout routine, starting with back bends and ending in snatch grip lunge stretches.

one arm swings
16 kg x5/5 + 5 transfers x 3 sets

Clean and press lc
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x3/3

28 kg x2/2 x 6 sets

these felt surprisingly light even on my left shoulder. No clunking in the rack position, as has been the case. So weird, for years it was my right shoulder giving me impingement pain.Once I go that cleared up the left side started talking to me! It's like I'm chasing the pain out of my body and it keeps running to a new place to hide til I find it again and it runs away again.

Soon I will chase it entirely out of my body and be square plump and neutral all day long.

20 kg x5/5
24 kg x8/8
x 7/7

Just 52 reps with the 24 but it felt light and moved well. Will bump that up significantly next week. Into the high eighties or low hundreds. Felt strong this morning just cautious.


5 sets of 4 with 5-8 sec of scap retractions at the end of each set.

these felt solid too and my collarbone was almost to the bar! I just leapt up on each rep to my utter amazement.Haven't done these in weeks and almost immediately after finishing the workout my left shoulder felt more solid that ever! crazy freakin' body of mine. It's such a puzzle.

Everything works but nothing works forever.

Datsit. Sisu

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