Tuesday, September 13, 2011

20 kg Snatch Vo2 and 35 Lb 2 Hand CB swipes

This week was scheduled as a back off week as I hit my goal number of 50 sets in the snatch vo2 last week.But the question was, HOW to back off? I could have just done 40 sets of 7 and be done with it, easy for sure, but I wasn't really in the mood to go fast at all so I thought about doing some heavier snatches instead.

I've done 80 sets of 8 with the 16 kg but I've never even played with the 20 kg in this protocol. Never thought I was ready for it.

But today I didn't care :)) I figured sets of 5 with a overhead hold for the remaining time on the 15 sec clock would be doable and much more accessible mentally.

6 am Stretchout:

This went very well with most accent on leg work, especially three sided splits and half kneeling stretches and standing lunge stretches. Shoulder was still wonky but going on the right direction and I know the extra overhead stretching I've been doing is helping. Stretching ain't easy and it isn't much fun but it HAS to be done.

At least for me.

8:30 am

Snatch vo2
20 kg x 20 sets of 5 with overhead hold at end
6 sets of 6 with overhead hold.
112 reps
4928 lbs

this was very interesting. It wasn't hard cardiovascularly or strength wise, just what I wanted. But it was tough in it's own way.I think I am going to turn tuesdays into snatch day and alternate the weights and loads, from 16 kg to 24 kg and go back to one arm swings after clean and press on Saturdays.

Right now I'm snatching two days a week and not doing any one arm swings of note at all. This will be a good change. Probably do Max vo2 with the 16 and 20 kg and just go for total volume of reps and sets with the 24 kg every 2nd week (i.e wk1 16 kg max, wk 2 24 kg for reps, wk 3 20 kg max, wk 4 24 kg etc)

Two hand CB swipes
20 lbs x 10/10
25 lbs x 8/8
35 lbs x 5/5
x 5/5
x 5/5

these were tough! the load on the grip is amazing, even on the long arm! haven't done them in awhile and they were a perfect change. As Pavel says, a "change is as good as a rest".

Bodyblade laterals
3 x 10/10

man these are getting harder not easier,lol! each set of 10 per arm takes 80 seconds and that's a long time under tension. But they are crucial for my shoulder stability I'm convinced and they are easier on the joints.

Band triceps extensions
3 sets of 20
1 set of 10

dead. these killed the tri's perfectly . a bit closer to my goal of 5x20



Frankie said...
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Frankie Mecono RKCII said...

You have mentioned shoulder symptoms a few times.I have had some similar issues, my pec minor, scalene, clavicle get ache etc..
I would foam roll, mobility, stretch and get it up to speed for the training and bang back to where it was that evening or next day.
Turns out my first rib was popping out and setting of this chain reaction.
Hope I can help
Nice video.
Frankie Mecono
9:04 PM

Mark Reifkind said...


I think it's my first rib setting it up as well. I do a lot of mobs for it and can get it in, but I can't get it to stay in.

what did you do for your rib?

Frankie Mecono RKCII said...

I rent space from a Sports medicine /Chiro.
I have had him re-set the rib 4-5 x as well as my cervical spine being out.
We also think that because of taking 8-12 private clients through neck and shoulder mobs daily that the scalenes etc.. and possibly upper traps are to loose and mobile while the lats and scap muscles are doing to much.
I have laid off the neck mobility, did some 16k shrugs as advised. Now have a press day, snatch day, get-up day with a complex at the end.
I feel much better.

He also seems to think that our press is impinging the rotator cuff and creating thoracic outlet syndrome.

In my book the RKC style press is here to stay.

Mark Reifkind said...

it could be the press although I think it's more posture related with my clients.definitely don't do that much neck mobility.
it's also too much pec tension for me as I have seriously hypermobile shoulder capsules.
I need to be able to re set it myself though,lol. back to starretts ball and stick for first rib it seems, :))

Mark Reifkind said...

also, two hand swings seem to overactivate the pec and tres major lately.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...