I decided against testing the ssst today as it really makes no sense for me to risk tweaking something this close to a cert. I'll have enough physical challenges next week. But I did want to see if I could do some higher rep sets; which I havent been able to make myself do for quite awhile.
The extra energy from the San Jose TSC competitors really helped get my head right.I chose the 20 kg bell though as it was time for some crisp and speedy reps.
20 kg
276 reps
Not a bad little workout if I say so myself, although it was slower than normal due to my judging duties. No worries, I just went harder on each rep. One of the TSC competitors made my day when he said " are you trying to win the snatch race today?".Not even close but still nice to hear :))
felt the left elbow talking to me so I switched to
One CB arm cast
15 lb cb x 10/10 x 4 sets
Two hand Sield cast
15 lb cb x10/10 x3
I've decided to use the CB with two hands mostly, at least for awhile. Its a better counterbalance to all the one hand stuff I do with the kbs and my left elbow is starting to get tweaky again from the mills and shield casts.I'm NOT going to injure something for an assistant exercise. This will be the equivilant of my two hand swing and I will start using the 25 lber a lot more as well with this.
Bikrams tomorrow.
"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls
This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...
This has proven to be a most effective method of taping hands as a preventative to tears or after one has already torn.I used it for years ...
KJ killing the Beast. Training to increase Max Vo2 with a kettlebell. I will share with you one of my best advanced protocols for improving...
Its amazing what disapears first on me when I have to miss training. My glutes and hips go first; amazingly quickly too, and then the quads....
Great snatch numbers. I was totally motivated as well my watching the TSC competitors at Revolution. It is always inspirational to see people give it 110% and then some. Competition is fun to watch.....and to be involved in.
it was a good start back into high reps again. I need to get back in the type of shape needed to do 200 in ten minutes with the 20 kg first, then the 24.it will happen, just don't know when,lol.
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