Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday's Snatch Vo2 at the Cert and Mondays two hand swings

I lead the workout on saturday during the max Vo2 workout we gave the candidates and got a pretty decent little session in

snatch vo2 15:15
16 kg
40 sets of 8 reps
320 reps

this was pretty easy for me considering I hadnt gone through two days of millions of swings and getups already. The candidates probably didnt enjoy it as much as I did. :))

After every RKC cert it really bugs me that I cannot seem to tolerate two handed swings. They are such an incredibly powerful movement with such incredible training possibilities that it always irks me that I cannot do them. In the past I had such asymmetries in legs hips and back that they would always throw my back out.Now it seems that the close grip with the requesite internal rotation tweaks my shoulders. Can't win for losing.
So of course I had to try them again today. Was too tired for heavy one arm swings but I wanted to use some decent. I adapted some positions for my orangutang length arms and stretched out with external rotation stretches after each set. We'll see tomorrow:

Two handed swings
16 kg x10x2
24kg x10

Weight ladders
24kg x10
28 kg x10
32 kg x10

repeat each series 10 times

300 reps
100 24 kg= 5300 lbs
100 28 kg = 6300 lbs
100 32 kg = 7200 lbs
18,800 lbs

most rest periods were 30-45 sec long until last 5 sets then 20 seconds long. Not a bad workout after such a tough weekend.we'll see how things pan out tomorrow. feel ok now.Yoga will help I am sure.

Snatch Holds
16kg x30 sec x 5 sets each arm

had to bring these back.

Shield casts
15 lb CB x10/10 x5 sets

the two handed versionis definitely easier on the elbow. need this at least as a warmup before one arm work.

man thats a lot of typing :))



Katie, KettlebellKate said...

Rif- It is your ropey lats in the way of 2H swings,maybe. Can you lean the grip toward the pinky side of the hand for happier results? I don't think you are lacking for swings!

Mark Reifkind said...

ah Katie that's sweet.No its not my lats it my geeky shoulder and too long arms. they dont like to cross midline,very hard to lock them out in that position.
I am not lacking for swing volume but its such a GREAT move.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...