Thursday, September 13, 2012

Two hand swings ,snatch holds

After last weeks venture into heavy two hand swing I thought this week should be light and fast, so chose the 24 kg as the bell.Still working on this form since it is so new to me and it worked out great again this week, as I added in the foot torque technique of Starretts Thai squat and it worked perfectly.

I focused on keep the arch of the foot locked in and pushing the knees out to unlock it on the downswing and after that everything else just dropped into place. LOTS of load on the hip, no load on the lower back and I had plenty of clearance in the body with my elbows straight.

got another full hour of stretch and mobility work in but no PM, I did plenty these last three days and I didn't want to push it. Too much time in flexion is not good for me so 100 ups ( 60 reps today) and high strides instead. Just a few.

2 pm
Two hand swings
16 kg x 10
24 kg x 10
         x 12
         x 14
         x 16
         x 18
         x20 x 2 rounds
         x 10 x 2
200 reps

They kept getting faster and better each set.

Snatch Holds
16 kg  for 45 sec
           for 60 sec
20 kg x 30 sec
24 kg x 30 sec

these went well and are really making a huge difference in my left shoulder stability. I do a few of these throughout the day with a 8 or 10  kg bell just to set the clavicle and it's staying "in" longer an longer.

I played around a bit with hand position and found the position where the bell is parallel to the calluses ( as in pic above) with slight internal rotation of the shoulder much more comfortable. I was getting into much more of a GS external rotation with the bells handle on a diagonal but this seems to agree with the shoulders more now.

Negative pushups
3 sets of 10

these went even better than expected with a pushup from the floor to the prone cobra position with no shoulder instability. Only be a little time now to full reps. this is very encouraging.

BB laterals
2 x 10/10

just tired now. been up since three with only some almonds and green tea. Hungry:))


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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29