Thursday, December 22, 2011

Get er dun

That was today. Just get something done. Thursday's is always my weirdo workout day; I'm not quite recovered on Wedneday and Thursday is too close to Saturday's heavy day to push it hard.
Plus it's my latest training time and , to be honest, I'm tired .
Especially this time of year when everything's off, people are all over the place and schedule's a mess. Plus the Holidays.

Tough week, but I took my pre warmup hot bath( damn it's cold these days here) and got my butt into the garage.

One arm KB deadlift
24 kg x 3/3
28 kg x3/3
32 kg x3/3
( just to warmup the pulling pattern)

Barbell Deadlift
135 x3
155 x3
210x 1 x 2 new pr :))

these went fine but I was just "off" today and didn't have a great mindset other than 'lets get this over with". Sometimes it's magic and other times it's just work.

It was work today and that's fine.It would be easier if I could really figure out the focus of this days' workload anyway.It probably should be swipes and progressing them, and giving the bells, and my arms, a rest between heavy loads

deads were done with left hand under grip and this felt harder today than last week, where it felt very natural.Next week I'll try double over hand again and see how that feels . I just now know that if I use  a mixed grip the left hand has to be under to create torque in the correct direction to balance my spine.

Two Clubbell Swipes
2/ 15's x 20 reps x 5 sets
100 total reps

man these are STILL tough. My grip is loading up way faster than I remember. have to look back at my training logs and see how I progressed these before. Still, this was also a recent best. I've done more reps but not more sets of high reps.

Floor handstands
7 sets of 8 seconds

tight and off here too.each set got better though. Definitely a good thing to do after deads and swipes and all that flexion.

time to relax and get on the floor for some more stretching.


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190 x 1 x 12, 210/225 static holds, 24 kg goblet squats, floor pushups 30, 20

 This went VERY well almost all reps identical. Realized I get better drive AND minimize shoulder stress if I unrack it with more weight on ...