Thursday, July 28, 2011

Work Weight.

I never count my warmup sets, and I usually do quite a few, towards my workload total. In trying to determine whether my work capacity is going forwards or backwards( there is no standing still ya know) I always focus on the work sets of the day that are done with the work weight of the day.

This came from my powerlifting days where each week had a weight goal or a percentage of max goal.If we were doing speed days the weight was 60-70% of our comp best in that lift. If it was max effort day than the only weights we looked at ( or counted) were the reps done above 90% of our max.

And using this metric makes it so much easier to measure where you are at any time. Sometimes you can change it and sometimes you can't. But at least you know where you are.

I was beat today after a 12 hour day on the photo shoot set for Tracy's new book, due out in January. It was a great day but I barely ate and got to bed late. So I new today's two hand swing workout was going to be lighter, in both weight and volume, I just didn't know how much.

Sometimes; many times, you can be very, very strong on no sleep, no food and lots of stress. You just can't do that too often and get away with it.

That's why it's so vital to just suit up, show up and do your best on each scheduled training day and see what's in store for you in your journey to your goal for that exercise or that workout.And never, never never ask if you feel like training that day. It will never be the right answer :)) and you can miss some amazing workouts and personal records.

Two Hand Swings
16 kg x10
20 kg x10
24 kg x8

28 kg x10 x 15 sets
150 swings/ 15 minutes

these went very well with good teshnick( rifstonian for technique , btw) power and bell speed. And the most important thing, the bell felt light, as it should.

Two clubbell swings
2/ 15 lbs x 10 x 10 sets

these were the perfect move for today. Really opened up the elbows, packed the shoulders, stabilized the cuff and continued the two hand swing work in a same but different fashion. Nice.

One arm CB arm casts
100 continuous reps 10 reps per arm

These were easy and a good finisher.Did ten reps per side then switched.

next week at this time I'll be in Hungary at the RKC 1 Meet and Greet. How cool, Can't wait!


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