Saturday, October 11, 2008

SSST training: 24 kg ,260 reps

Not a bad morning as the wave rolls on. Slept well, ate well yesterday and really took advantage of the day off to stretch, relax and just hang out, getting ready for todays work.
The bells felt light in my hand, which is always a good sign and I hoped to get some 25-30 rep sets in. I decided on sets of 8/8 and then possibly 6's on the second hand switch but settled on 5's to be cautious. Turned out it was PLENTY of work,lol.

SSST Snatch
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x 2
20 kg x3/3/3/3

24 kg x8/8/5/5 x10 sets
260 reps
13,760 lbs

This was tough but doable and the hands held up perfectly until the last set when I tore a dime sized hole in the center of the left hand. no worries, it'll heal fast.Every rep was done hardstyle, over the top and with as much speed on each rep as possible. Good solid lockouts but I was thinking max vo2 pace and not pausing at the top of each rep long. I want to work my conditioning more than anything right now.Heartrate got up there( 170's ) each set and we were working on a three man rotation, all doing snatches, so the pace was crisp.
I got to lap one of my partners and that is always fun :)) It's a good sign as to my conditioning as well.

5 sets of 20 seconds.Spotted.

these went very well and my torso rotation was minimal, which means I can train these again. I had Nick hold my legs so I could find my balance point, which has changed considerably since I was a 130 pound gymnast with NO legs or ass at all. they ain't big now but way more mass than the old days.My shoulder and lat flexibility has improved considerably since the last time I tried these 8 months or so ago. Good news.
I do plan on regaining my once proud handstand skills, starting with the basic free standing handstand and going... who knows where? I dont see why I can't regain my straight arm straight leg pressing ability was once my strongest gymnastics move of all,how great would it be to be able to do that again.
Why not?
Was planning on doing bottoms up cleans as well but need to let the tear heal so I can swing well on mondays. it was enough.



Unknown said...

You continue to be an inspiration. Great work.

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you Tim, that is such a great thing to hear from you and motivates me to keep pushing forwards.hope all is well with you and yours.

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...