Wednesday, March 05, 2025

175 x 1 x 10 Chin Press , BW squats 5 x 20, rev band curls, band pushdown

 This was very decent. The only mistake I made was unracking with too much leg and not enough arm tension. I was confused about that from the very start.What I did on Monday ( which was correct) was done un consciously and today I was thinking about it

But, in retrospect, that was the problem, not enough arm tension. And still all ten moved great

Noon weighin ( bath)
10.1 bf

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

MaxVo2 One Mile Walk Test

 Had a cancellation today and was feeling VERY spry; NO residual anything from yesterday's presses. Pretty amazing actually

Last time I did this was Feb 1 2024 so almost a year to the month. I wrote that I did 13:31 for the two lap mile with a HR of 155 ( hand counted) after ten seconds. I wrote that gave me a max vo2 of 41 but that doesn't seem right

Warmed up with a  1/2 mile at 6 min half mile or so so I had hopes for a 13 min mile and a lower HR

Used the stopwatch on the apple watch to time the first half mile then turned it off. BUT when I started the test the aver pace was already too high. I just kept watching the stopwatch but it distracted me thinking it wasn't right

Passed the first lap in 6 :30 pace so I thought I was golden but when I hit the second lap that I started it said I still had .04 to go or something!

It  didn't register the mile til I got back to where I started     THE WARMUP 


But based on two laps

13:15 mile

HR at finish 130

Max vo2 score 36.2

Rating Excellent

VERY close to a superior rating

Oh I also wore my old Go Rucks but I'm not used to them. Let anterior tib started tightening up 1/4 mile in: not used to this pace but I still gutted it out

Next time: normal ruck boots
                  don't use stopwatch to time warmup

                 GO FASTER 

Monday, March 03, 2025

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help

175 x1

Very sure I could have done 205 but didn't want to push anymore til I see how things are 24 hours post

Once I realized my elbow flair is not new I just accepted it and went by feel

the rolling db ext felt great but hard! can't believe I used 65's for set of 8!

also weighed 175.2 this morning! Impossible burger for the win lol

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't

another fast and strong one! 35 lbs is the sweet spot it seems

35lb ruck

9 laps

4.73 miles


15:27 ave mile pace!

lots of stopping to put  on and take off raincoat!

Slept great 7.5 hrs!


12.9 no bath  my body likes the impossible whopper it seems lol

40 kg swings 20 x 5 ( 25 min) 40 kg belt squat 4 x 10, Chin press 45-115 x 1

 This went well. Trigger thumb actually seems to be better after a week of wearing the splint 22 hours a day ( training and such), so I will put off the surgery for a bit more and see what happens

SO I could grip the bell harder and that was certainly better than last week. Of course I was doing five's not tens; back to my old current style with the armed glued and leaning back at the top to maximize bell height

Definitely staying with this style it's the strongest and safest

Probably going to just do 20-22 sets of 5 with all the bells going forward
wk1 36
wk2 40
wk3 44
wk4 48

rinse and repeat. that should be plenty

40 kg belt squats
wow my legs got sore in ONE DAY from this

4 x 10 haven't done this in a minute

Chin presses ; just very light grease the groove


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chin Press 135-165 x1 x 5, 170x 1x2, CBswings 5 x 15, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went well although my left lat was definitely working too hard. In a crampy way that had me worried but stretched out pretty well right away. We'll see what tonight brings but I think it will be fine

Left elbow/arm is definitely higher but not seemingly a problem- at these weights at least

I think the main issue was the triples from 45 - 160 x 2 . back to only singles

135 x 3
165x1 x  5
170x1 x 2

 wore the flatter adidas today but don't  think they helped. back to the inov8s monday


Monday, February 24, 2025

The Chin Press 135-180-135, CB swings 5 x 10 10 lbs, laterals, rear delts, reverse band curls

 This worked GREAT! I started out very cautiously and slowly, especially at 135 and above but the  tricep, biceps tendon and elbow were fine

65, 85,95 x 3


now we wait to see how things feel tomorrow


Sunday, February 23, 2025

35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

 35 lbs

4.65 miles
1:13 min
15:46 ave pace
15:07 last mile
THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me
3 miles in 48:29

175 x 1 x 10 Chin Press , BW squats 5 x 20, rev band curls, band pushdown

 This was very decent. The only mistake I made was unracking with too much leg and not enough arm tension. I was confused about that from th...