I think the Buddha said this, or Hunter S. Thompson, not quite sure which,but whoever it was must have had a premonition of snatch vo2 training. God, I hate training on the clock and the incessant "BEEP" of the gymboss, no matter what the interval is set to chaps my ass.
But, if I don't force myself to do what is weak it will never get stronger. So each Saturday I go in for my dose of interval pain, trying not to suffer, to be detached from the physical, and somehow emotional, pain of having to go as hard and fast as possible with very little oxygen. Then do it again.And again. and again.
In the same place. For 33 minutes today. A true confrontation with oneself. No need for 90 minutes staring in the mirror, this does just fine.
And I try to be detached as well from the results that I am capable that day, because with this old frame of mine, I just never know what it can do. Or how hard it is safe to push, or what is making me stronger for the future and what is just pure masochism, breaking me down even more.
I think many misunderstand the vo2 protocol and focus a lot on speed and number of reps per set and total number of sets.
But breathing hard, REAL hard, is the key to max vo2 and many forget that. The protocol is based on training at supramax heartrate levels which guarantees pain. That whole 'supramax" heartrate. Not a lot if air up there. but that what makes the heart that much more capable.
Sometimes I wonder if I need to be that strong, lol. but then I come to my senses. Or lack thereof.
My HR today at the end of the 30 sets of 36:36 was 190 plus. Hadn't seen that in awhile. Using both arms instead of alternating each arm is difficult in it's own way; testing my cardio more that my grip. Which is just what I need.
It didn't make it any easier that Tracy and Meg were doing twice what I was doing with HALF as much rest and not looking like they were going to die, as I was. But I used their energy and strength as a catalyst for my work; and it helped a lot. Training partners can make ALL the difference.
I train Max vo2 BASED now so this is fine. Until the actual time that I have to do it,lol. I guess I just thought was just at the top of my cycle thursday with my presses as this was a recent pr as well.
Snatch Vo2
16 kg
30 sets of 7/7
420 reps
15,120 lbs
wow,no wonder that hurt. that's a lot of snatches and tons of weight. cool.
I had delusions that I was going to do 10 sets of 7/7 and then switch to alternating sets of 7/8 but I wanted 30 sets more than I wanted 8's so I focused on that. Good thing.
I had to go slowly on my left side as all this pressing I have been doing has activated some rotator cuff issues which manifests as a triceps cramp on my left arm doing, of all things, cleans and swings! And it's not going heavy as most of the time I tweak it it's doing light sets!
I let the anterior/posterior strength balance get out of balance with all the pec, anterior delt and lat tension in the press as well as all my hypermobility in the shoulder capsule. The shoulder subluxes forward a bit and the tricep gets stretched more than it likes and cramps. More snatches, and specifically more static snatches are the order of the day and I held the top position of the left arm on each rep and til the full end of the 36 seconds at the end of each set.
I don't need to press less, I just need to snatch more.
Clubbell arm casts
10 lbs x 10/10x2
15 lbs x 8/8 x 4 sets
these felt great and I really focused on scapula movement and activation during the sets. By the end of the workout the tricep felt normal and shoulder position is back to neutral.
addendum: just realized I am now in second place on the snatch challenge board. Number one will be first and I predict I will be the first to 100,000 counted snatches. People just can't go the distance. good for me.
my love,
watching you get stronger and stronger every week is an honor...and I'm not talking about your physical strength
Saturdays are the best!
my love
saturdays rock. from start to finish.all strength comes from the mind.I'm just getting started :))
Congrats on 50k! Just stopping by to say hello. Hope you are well.
thanks Dan, next stop 100K noted.
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