To me there is no greater compliment than to say someone is the Real Deal.ANd it doesnt have to be in the realm of athletics or training. If someone is totally committed to their activity, no matter what it is, they are the Real Deal.
It's easy to find Real Deal people everywhere. They are the ones that are accomplishing their goals; or at the very least, putting it all out their in the hopes of accomplishing their stated goal(s).These people are not following trends and fads, they are following their hearts and their passions, regardless of whether it is currently popular, trendy or the latest thing.
They can put their egos aside and ride the waves of gains and losses with equal dispassion knowing that regardless of what the score card says today, tomorrow is another training day, another step on their journey to whatever their goal is.And that when the goal is achieved another will take its place as the reality to the Real Deal guy is that their is no finish line. They are the consumate student, always looking for another piece of the puzzle, working their craft, perfecting their art, disciplining their mind and body to be ready to jump to the next level when it presents itself.
Some call this Old School and I am totally fine with that as well. You see these guys( and women) at Masters powerlifting, weightliftng, track and field, swim meets and any other discipline that takes a lifetime to truly master.ANd lets not forget Martial Arts,which probably invented this. They know, and teach, that Mastery of the Art is a lifetime pursuit and one which gives up its secrets grudgingly, if at all, and only after testing your character and heart to the max.
The Real Deal guy is interested in the depth of something, not just the shiny surface. When one considers ones heroes and role models it is usually there you find the Real Deal. Someone is so committed to what they want to have, what and who they choose to be that there is no room for feal of failure. Because their really is no failure if one has their heart in the right place. Their is only the lesson that not achieving what you set out to do that day will teach you.
ANd most of the best lessons I have had have always come from my losses , not my wins. I feel badly for those who are afraid to really want something badly enough to fully committ and play it as it lays. They might be talented and achieve good things but will never know the best of themselves if they are too afraid of seeing the worst.Of really caring and wanting to achieve and coming up short. Many hold back so they can say"if I REALLY wanted it I could do it". Proof is in the pudding.
It's hard to fully committ, fully care and still come up short. ANd then pick yourself back up, re analyze and plan and start over.Again. And again. And again. For as long as it takes. Thats the Real Deal.
Awesome Post Rif. You are the real deal bro. You are in it for INTERNAL reason and not EXTERNAL reasons.
Keep it flowing brother! You ought to write a manual/book for instructors or write an auto-biography on your life.
2007 release? thoughts?
Rif, LOVE your blog! It's interesting to flip between your and Tracy's pages now. Both keep up the great work!...I'll be reading. ;)
thanks guys,it is greatly appreciated. there is a book coming franz although I'm not sure when it will be done. These little essays will form the base from which the book will emerge. at least that is what I'm telling Pavel, lol.
thanks too sara and keep encouraging tracy if you will, she has lots to offer.and please comment as you can, it is definitely an encouragement.
Rif Great Post, Couldn't have asked for a better physical culture father figure!
Great post, Rif. I need to start printing these up and put them in a binder! Without a doubt you are the real deal. I am starting to think it's not RIFGA, it's RIF-DA. The force is with you oh, wise one. :)
thanks Mikey,my pleasure. and Pete thats funny,hopefully I will be able to compile this stuff into a ready made binder soon enough, a book!
doh, thats me not tracy. have to get used to sharing this space,lol
Right on as always, Rif-ster.
These are issues I've been thinking thru as of late also as I seek to regain the last two years through Z back onto the platform.
One of the things I really love about the KB is the internal focus and the applicability of KB work for a lifetime--for the rest of my/our life.
Thanks for sharing your keen insights yet again. And get cranking on that book!
thanks dude and believe me I AM working on the book HERE! LOL!whats a good time to call you I need to run some z related things by you and too much to type.
call me after 5pm PT (8p ET)
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