Saturday, November 18, 2006

Snatches , high pulls and form.

Knew I wanted to use the 53 today in snatches as I've been feeling like it has gotten heavy for me. Mentally more than anything as my groove is all over the place.My high pulls and the mechanics of that swing feel great and I dont know why I change things when I do consecutive snatches. I didnt find out either til the ass end of this workout. As usual.

For some reason I can never have great revelations about form or training except when I'm almost done and I cant practice the new stuff much! Oh well, better to knoweven if I have to wait. Patience is so key in strength training.


53x5/5x10 sets 100 reps/5300 pounds

Hi pull/snatch combination
hi pull/snatch/hi pull /snatch,etc
53x8/8x6 sets 96 reps 5088pounds

total reps 196 (148 snatches) 10,388 pounds

This is the drill I need to do. Don't want to do it, I want to just practice the snatch by itself but this is definitely the drill to do. My hi pull form is different than my snatch form and it is better. When I hi pull before the snatch rep I snatch correctly. I can also get into the correct position to do the next hi pull right. But when I do consecutive snatches I tend to get too bent over and pull with the arm.
This was the same problem I had with the squat. It is horrifically easy for me to forget how you use my hips. I never used them in my developmental stage and in fact let them deteriorate( pointing freaking toes!) during crucial years.So I have to use a form that allows them to activate.I just have to go back to go forwards. This is the way.

Nick made me promise to only do hi pull snatch combos for at least a month to groove the pattern and he is right. dammit.I have to learn to drop the bell into the same position I get into after the top part of the snatch. THis drill will do it.


26x10/10x4 sets

datsit, staying loose.


Royce said...

Don't feel to bad man my journey to master the swing has had me changing form a lot.
Squat swings at first, really straight legs later on, rounded back ect ect ect
Even today I started practicing the "box squat" assistance excersize that was in the latest hardstyle and learned some things I am doing wrong.

I sent off for ETK and it should be here on Wed. I'm sure I will find TONS of stuff I'm doing wrong :-)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks royce but it just drives me nuts. I do think this hi pull thing will fix it though as I never vary the hi pull form, just the snatch.

etk is a great book. virtually the manual for the RKC.

Franz Snideman said...

Looking good Rif. 100 reps on snatches with the 24kg is work. Anyway you look at it, the total volume and poundage is up there.

Keep it rocking!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz but with the hi pull combos after the pure snatches it was 148 snatches total,much better than 100 in my book, lol.although 100 used to be my goal number no too long ago.

Franz Snideman said...

Woops - my bad. You are right! Then I take that back. 100 reps in the snatch is for wussies. 140 + is the way to go! :)

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