Training powerlifting Westside style was an incredible experience. SO much intensity built into the system that it was total focus time everytime you went into the gym. It was either max effort day for the squat/deadlift or the bench press or squat or bench speed day.
On max effort days we rotated exercises every 2 weeks and went for 3-6 singles culminating( hopefully) in a pr.In not that at least a long, hard grind on a pr weight. You have two to three weeks to get it. Nothing quite focuses my mind like a heavy weight that I haven't done before and really, really want to get. And yet Westside doctrine dictates that you do not pysch up and raise adrenaline,pulse or bloodpressure to max the lift. This is called a gym max and is somewhere around 90% of your contest max.
Then there is speed day. On squat speed day you would squat to a below parallel box( no guessing whether you were deep enough) usually with chains on the bar. You would do 12-10 sets of 2 reps with a 65-70% of max weight and try to move each weight as fast as possible, 100 % max force. So in a way there are TWO max effort days. This one is about acceleration.
You would only rest 45 seconds between sets and fight fatigue to train the body to continue to put out max force even when it was fatigued. If you want to be a decent powerlifter you need to know how to grind but squat speed day was about moving weight fast. Starting strength and speed strength were the qualites that were focused on.
And so I thought I would do the kb equivilant today. I would do five reps with weight I could do twenty or more with and move them as fast and cleanly as possible, applying maximum force the entire rep and NOT holding back at all.
ANd inspired by Geoff Neuperts post on Series Wave training I would wave the weights as well.
High Pull
done six times
44x60 reps =2640 pounds
53x60 reps= 3180
62x60 reps=3720
the 62 started moving too slowly so I dropped it
done two times
1940 pounds
11,480 pounds /220 reps
these moved very well. I was very suprised as how easily the 62 swung, as well as how high.right bicep tendon and shoulder have been tight all day though.Just dont have enough time in the am to do the bodywork I need to get fully stretched out. rest periods were short and I didnt it down at all. Felt suprisingly good to really power it out. Wind was good as well.
rack walks
44x100 feet change hands each
800 total feet.
These so help my gait. Helps me get my hips under me much more.
Snatch Holds
36x30 sec
44x30 sec x 3 sets
did these in front of a mirror today to better align my right shoulder.
supersetted with above. two feet with neck mobility, two feet eyes closed neck mobility, one foot( this is the strongest this has ever been left).even got some eyes closed on one foot time.
band rear delts
80+ 20 green band
Overhead rotators
5 lb db 4 sets of 15
datsit,staying loose.
On max effort days we rotated exercises every 2 weeks and went for 3-6 singles culminating( hopefully) in a pr.In not that at least a long, hard grind on a pr weight. You have two to three weeks to get it. Nothing quite focuses my mind like a heavy weight that I haven't done before and really, really want to get. And yet Westside doctrine dictates that you do not pysch up and raise adrenaline,pulse or bloodpressure to max the lift. This is called a gym max and is somewhere around 90% of your contest max.
Then there is speed day. On squat speed day you would squat to a below parallel box( no guessing whether you were deep enough) usually with chains on the bar. You would do 12-10 sets of 2 reps with a 65-70% of max weight and try to move each weight as fast as possible, 100 % max force. So in a way there are TWO max effort days. This one is about acceleration.
You would only rest 45 seconds between sets and fight fatigue to train the body to continue to put out max force even when it was fatigued. If you want to be a decent powerlifter you need to know how to grind but squat speed day was about moving weight fast. Starting strength and speed strength were the qualites that were focused on.
And so I thought I would do the kb equivilant today. I would do five reps with weight I could do twenty or more with and move them as fast and cleanly as possible, applying maximum force the entire rep and NOT holding back at all.
ANd inspired by Geoff Neuperts post on Series Wave training I would wave the weights as well.
High Pull
done six times
44x60 reps =2640 pounds
53x60 reps= 3180
62x60 reps=3720
the 62 started moving too slowly so I dropped it
done two times
1940 pounds
11,480 pounds /220 reps
these moved very well. I was very suprised as how easily the 62 swung, as well as how high.right bicep tendon and shoulder have been tight all day though.Just dont have enough time in the am to do the bodywork I need to get fully stretched out. rest periods were short and I didnt it down at all. Felt suprisingly good to really power it out. Wind was good as well.
rack walks
44x100 feet change hands each
800 total feet.
These so help my gait. Helps me get my hips under me much more.
Snatch Holds
36x30 sec
44x30 sec x 3 sets
did these in front of a mirror today to better align my right shoulder.
supersetted with above. two feet with neck mobility, two feet eyes closed neck mobility, one foot( this is the strongest this has ever been left).even got some eyes closed on one foot time.
band rear delts
80+ 20 green band
Overhead rotators
5 lb db 4 sets of 15
datsit,staying loose.
Man Mike Mahler was right about success increasing a person T levels 'cause I am on top of the world!!!!!
I tried the new groove on the high pulls and actually got the 'bell to float above my hand very high up.
So I went for it and on my right side I NAILED it. Just stuck it, barely felt the pressure from the rotation.
On my left side things got real FUGLY real fast, I was too distracted by the fact I could do it and didn't set up right. I wasn't paying attention to those "reps within a single".
So somewhere I didn't have enough tension, and the 'bell rotated when my arm wasn't near locked out and the 'dog bit me. It started coming back down and toward me, I managed to get my right hand up and redirect it in front of me.
Scared the crap out of me though, the only ill effect that I tore a little of my right thumbnail off the bed somehow, not bad considering the alternative.
Anyhow a few minutes later I tried it on my left side again and got it, still a little shakey though, it is definately a max effort for my left side.
So thanks again for posting that video, and I am going to work on high pulls for a while before snatching that thing becomes a part of my routine.
Great training and pics Rif. That climbing is fun!
Your volume never ceases to amaze me. I'm trying to crank it up, but I've got a long way to go to get to your numbers.
Nice work. And nice comments and reflections you add in all the time. You really do provide a service.
thanks tim,I do hope my analysis and musings on my training do provide some insight. I know they do for me and I hope for others as well.
I have always been a volume guy,hard work and lots of training can do wonders for those with little talent :))
Not bad for an old, crippled guy eh?LOL.
I really think the key to increasing volume is the absolute consistency to it and really knowing what the prs are and waving up to them and beating it consistently.
Its alot like running. Once you run 5 or 10 miles or whatever and you know you can do it there are no excuses for not doing it anymore.
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