Monday, November 13, 2006

Pullups and snatch practice

After watching Tim Dymmels beautiful snatch form, and my bent over, ugly ass( even though it feels strong) form I decided to play with tims position` and see if it would work for me. This is what I used to do in the squat(much to my chagrin and all my friends and family's consternation); mess around with technique even when it was going well, always trying to "perfect it even more", lol. One should stop when they are ahead. Things tend to go better over time.

Since with so many restrictive injuries very few things "felt" right it was hard to just let it go. I always beleived there was a stronger, faster ,better position that was just waiting to be discovered. Always discover and train your weak points, you know. So it was with the squat and so it is with my new pet project the snatch.

One thing I did learn, in retrospect, was that my instincts for what was the best squat position for me were right. Had I stayed with them and focueds on pushing hard with the best "feeling" position instead of searching for the most theoretcically and technically right position I would have been better off. Same here with the snatch and that is one of my favorite things about kettlebells; there is no ONE perfect position. Truly the commons mans strength and conditioning tool. Lots of room for individuation.

So although tims position looks pretty and is probably tims strongest position it is not mine. I immediately felt my biceps tendons say hello. I said goodby and went back to my ugly ass hi pull/snatch technique. Truth be told very few I have met are built like me.

Snatch practice

10 minutes with 16 and 20 kg for triples

14 sets of 4 reps. No pauses( left tricep/lat talking to me.lovely.almost IMMEDIATELY upon my right shoulder STOPPING talking to me). I always say there is just one pain, it just moves around the body!

56 reps

One KB deadlift

still dont know what to fully do on this day.this seemed okay.Cant beleive the bulldog felt heavy at first!

rack walks

200 feet per arm sets: 1200 foot total

these however felt great! knee felt excellent and the pace was decent. so nice to being able to walk without pain, almost. lol.

heavy bag
4 songs this felt good havent done it in awhile. usually loosens me up. I really got a rythym going towards the end. I cant move for shit but I have pretty fast hands :))

bw 162.2
bf 8.5%
water 61 %

this surprised the hell out of me! Thats the highest water level I've gotten. I've been eating a lot lately too.


Joe Sarti said...

Always discover and train your weak points, great quote and one of many from you Rif. Love the look of the new site and the continual wealth of info, especially if you read between the lines.

Your blog has become a great place for people on a grander scale to learn from a true student, athlete and professional.

Love to see the pull-up numbers.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks joe, glad youa re enjoying the info. check out tracy's new blog as well.looks like you've been having fun as well with your world wind tour!

Tim Dymmel said...

Thanks for the compliment Rif.

Sorry things couldn't work out for you with it. It's funny, how I was snatching a year ago was hurting my bicep/shoulder. So I didn't do it for a while and then I trained with you and Joe before I moved and that's when the new groove happened.

You guys told me to let the bell float before I pulled/punched. So thanks goes to y'all for what you see now. And the best part is that it doesn't cause pain/tightness/etc.


Mark Reifkind said...

now worries tim it was very good to be able to analyze your technique. gots to go with what doesnt hurt , no matter how it looks.

Anonymous said...

How do you do your body fat / water weight calculation?

Franz Snideman said...


nice training. 14 sets of 4 on the pullu ups, good. Do you prefer the ladder style or the straight sets method?

Mark Reifkind said...

franz usually I use a ladder if I am making forays into higher reps but my shoulder was iffy and I wanted to keep the reps low.

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