Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sub Max snatches

Decided to lighten the load a bit today as Mondays 50 reps with the two pood in the clean and the numerous hi pulls with the 28 kg got me more than a bit stiff and creaky. I also realized that at 160 pounds I am NOT the 185 pound guy I used to be and the 44 is probably a better training weight for me most of the time for my snatches. It is certainly a much easier weight to really accelerate.

I weigh 160 and the 20 kg is .275 of my bodyweight. If I weighed 185 the 53 would be .286 so it is close. I can really "play" with the 20 kg.



44x8/8x8 sets=128 reps and 5632 pounds

44x7/7x7 sets =98 reps and 4312 pounds

44x10/10= 20 reps and 880 pounds

246 reps and 10,824 pounds. Most snatch reps ever with any weight. PR.


3 sets of 8 /8 with 12 kg

one foot calf raise

3 sets of 8 with 18

datsit, staying loose.

oh yeah, gotta get a new camera man.


Royce said...

Sweet dude, still hunting down those PR's wherever they may be.

I totally respect that.

I'm learning, learning to look for them, learning how to listen to my body instead of guessing at what it is trying to tell me.

Your blog really is a great service to those of us searching for answers.

Thanks dude.


Mark Reifkind said...

you're most welcome royce. really glad this stuff helps someone.and learning to listen your body will only pay great dividends, on many levels.

and yes I will take pr's wherever I can. its a mindset.

Tommy Shook said...

Rif, that's a lot of volume man! Nice work though, and I'm sure you are very lean at 160. Be sure and eat enough to rebuild after all that snatch work, I suggest a double-cheesburger with bacon!!
Seroiusly though, excellent work...humbling, really!

Tracy Reifkind said...

thanks Tom,I was suprised at easy it was compared to the 53.I could really stay loose and accelerate much more and that suprised me. I could not do that with the 53. the reps were easy too.Usually I hate anything over 5 reps per hand.

bacon cheeseburger sounds great. good thing about warrior diet I can have anything i want lol!

Mark Reifkind said...

Damn! I keep forgetting to log out of tracys blog!

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