Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ring Strength

Rif- U of Iowa 1975
Muscle beach maltese.

straight arm, straight leg press to handtand.

Hollowback press to handstand

back roll to handstand on rings


Franz Snideman said...

The ring work looks like so much fun. The freedom of the rings looks very liberating. Obviously the moves in the diagrams require skill and high levels of strength.

What was your favorite skill while you were competing in gymnastics?

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz, ironically STILL rings are very restricting because you have to keep them perfectly still as you swing around them. Now the flying rings of old probably were much more 'liberating'.

my favorite gymnastics move?huh, now that I think about it it would have to be straight arm shoot to handstand on rings, virtually the same move( straight arm giants) which dislocated my shoulder and ended my career.

Second would be the stutz( or swing half turn to handstand) on p bars.

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