Saturday, April 20, 2013

24 kg Power Snatch , 36 kg one arm swings

Solid workout this morning. Up early to fully stretch out as the backward sled pulls Wednesday did not agree with my left knee so I had some work to do on that leg as well as the right SI joint. Must have been a bit sideways from the knee. No worries. Still no NSAIDS in over two weeks, the first time in over 15 years or more that I haven't had to take one for my knee or back. Very very happy with that, let me tell you.

Just like the two hand swing every year I try to get off the one Alleve I take a day and every year I failed. Until this year.:) The fact that I can train the two hand swing, and  bilaterally in general, let me know my ultimate training goal; to be 'square, plumb and neutral' is definitely on target. It's been a long haul; very long. but it's getting there, finally.

This alone makes everything worthwhile.

SO a good stretchout and power snatches on the menu. Want to alternate each ballistic move with it's 'dead stop'opposite each week and see how that works. They are actually stronger for me as my weak link is the back swing ( or 'the swing' as Tracy puts it) is tough. Reducing  and then reversing heavy forces ain't no joke.

Power snatch
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 3/3
22 kg x 3/3
24 kg  x 3/3 x 12 sets
72 reps
3816 lbs

not bad at all. I actually like these a lot. very strong for me.

One Arm Swing
28 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5 x 4 sets( big jump for me!)

These were easy! and strong. No grip issues with left hand at all. this felt like a "regular" weight and NOT a top weight. Sweet! Glenn swung the Beast for easy sets of 5/5 for the first time and killed it!

One arm CB arm casts
20 x 8 r 15 x 8 l
20 x 5/5 x 2 sets ( left arm took a bit to warmup)

these were very strong and a recent best.I can see the 25 lb'er now.

Bar pushups and mini band pullups
bw x 10
25 lbs x 5
bw x 10   pullups were in 3 sets of 5 with black mini band attached. 

decided to do the full movement and just use the band. felt like the right choice. do these for awhile and then switch to red bands and then just BW


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...