Monday, October 04, 2021

Press clusterfuck day

 Man, shit just fell apart today. Did not get hurt but everything was all over the place , but at least I know why  now. While my knee lockout today was basically not an issue the sacral tweak I got last month still seems to be in my brain cause it's not letting me load my hips in any real way. That's why I'm rebending my knees at the start as my hips just are not into it

The knees start lock and then the whip starts in the quads alone, and not the hips and that why I'm running out of gas 3/4 the way up AND why my elbows are flaring. 

Which was the theme today.

When 175 and 195 are  slow I know techniques off and the elbow flare was there right from the get. No bueno

I can see it now. I don't even think my glutes are tight

the cues 

spot lock  are right but not enough. no hips in there and I'm not sure I can let myself load them again

Plus I seem to be dropping my shoulders back instead of a head drive back
Also can't seem to feel rooted at the start. Just top heavy

then 215 which I missed at the lockout ( elbows and knee bend) so I did it over and made it, third one was better but outright MISSED the  fourth,

called it a day on that, then went to 205 and MISSED!

down to 185 for a few but elbows were STILL flaring!

but then I went to 135 for a single WITH A MEDIUM WIDTH GRIP  which FLEW

I've tried this grip before but it always tweaked my biceps tendon ( but I think that was with a thumbed grip ) but this felt great
then 155, 185 which flew, 185 again then 205 x 2 then a miss on balance but this width it was so much  easier to 
1) set up with the bar on my chest more than just in my hands

2) keep elbows in naturally

3) get a shorter ROM /bar path
we'll see tomorrow AM how my  shoulders feel then how it works on wed

I think if I go back to the Adidas shoe AND get my hips/glutes into it a bit this might work
Worth a try

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

One arm laterals
3 x 8/8 with 20

bent laterals
2 x 8 with 20

BW 176.2
BF 13.5

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...