Thursday, July 16, 2020

50 lb ruck, shoe revelations and mini band weight

Decided to try once more the Salomon high tops and once again my shins locked up and I couldn't really walk right.
I really like these boots but I have to accept they don't work for me
Gave them away
Walked three laps and my calves felt like they were going to explode they were so pumped. Switched out to my low  top salomons and went out and finished the last three laps with ZERO calf issue.
That's definitive
Have to accept it

50 lbs ruck
6 laps
7099 step
3.2 miles

4am BW 175.2
        BF 14.8
1 pm
BW 176.6
BF 12.3 (no bath)
W 58.1
LBM 154.6 !

also decided to measure band tension on empty bar
scale weight in start position 252 lbs
- bar weight 45 lbs
- bodyweight 176
band tension at start 31 lbs
band tension at lockout 52 lbs
Just about what the website advertised their tension levels
so for yesterdays workout
at start 125 lb bar weight + 31 lbs =156 lbs
at lockout 177 If I brought bar weight to 145 and added another red band ( 10 lbs at bottom, 25 at top) that would make it 185 at bottom and 220 at top! Can also just start with band and start adding weight on max effort day til I hit top end and see what it is Interesting possibilities!~
185 bar weight + black band + 215 at bottom at 235 at top! lol

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...