Saturday, October 14, 2006

545 Deadlift PR, 1996


Tim Dymmel said...

Rif, do you have to go to the beta version to post those videos? I like how you do that.

Royce said...

DUDE, what did you weigh there, you were a brick!!

Mark Reifkind said...

no you should be able to embed them in regular blogger. cant recommend beta, very buggy.


I was 181 lbs.

Tom Furman said...

From Power body to hunter gatherer body1

Mark Reifkind said...


yes! and way less pain now than then. although I did enjoy being Bigrif,lol.

24 kg swings 20 x 10, 32-44 kg belt squats, pullaparts, pushdowns , db hammer curls, db rolling ext

 Sprained my big toe thursday demostrating going down stairs; and of course didn't feel anything until the middle of the night on thursd...