Friday, October 20, 2006


Geoff Neupert said...

Love that picture. Rumor has it that's a 100kg KB. Wouldn't surprise me in the least--it is Alexeyev after all.

Mark Reifkind said...

hard to imagine thats 100 kg Geoff. looks too small. but its a great pic nonetheless.

Geoff Neupert said...

Yeah, that's what I thought too. But remember, that's Alexeyev, all 350lbs of him...Anything looks small compared to him.

Regardless, still a cool pic.

24 kg swings 20 x 10, 32-44 kg belt squats, pullaparts, pushdowns , db hammer curls, db rolling ext

 Sprained my big toe thursday demostrating going down stairs; and of course didn't feel anything until the middle of the night on thursd...