Monday, October 30, 2006

It's all easy til it's heavy.

Mondays are the step child of my workout week. Still trying to decide what to do with it. today I choose to do cleans as I wanted some swing activity but nothing that would kill wednesdays hi pulls or require too much since saturday is tough volume as well. And I am getting bored with so many pullups,lol.

But I knew I would be picking up some heavy bells today and that was both exciting and fearful at the same time. I have no problem driving myself to go heavy. In fact I have to STOP myself all the time from pushing it up if I am the least succesful in my attempts with alighter weight.

The key is, making the lift and NOT tweaking myself in the process. LOL, therein lies the rub. BUt the cleans are a short stroke movement and I have been feeling strong so:

kb cleans

I do beleive that is a pr with the 40 kg. I have cleaned it before, even Bottoms up cleaned it, but never did a triple, much less this easily, as swing technique held up well too and that helped a lot.

Bottoms up cleans
72x5/5 !!

woo hoo. havent done five with this in awhile either. easy too. the hardest part is just trying to GO and not get hurt. A controlled letting go, if you will.

tactical pullups
5 sets of 5

this is a more reasonable number and after all that arm work not that easy.

Farmers walk

2/53's x100 feet x9 sets 30 sec rest/sets

figured I might as well finish up heavy too.

Heavy bag

3 songs. lots of jabs, hooks and combos. this always loosens my shoulders and arms up

one foot calf raise
3x5 bw very slow and full range

bw 162
bf 8.9%
water 60.2%

datsit, staying loose.


Franz Snideman said...

Yes Rif!!!! Nice job on the 40kg.

If your body can handle it, go for it brother!

Franz Snideman said...

Oh by the way, what does the water % mean on your posts? 8% body fat is really lean - way leaner than me bro! Nice work, must be that warrior diet :)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz, we'll see.right after I thought,'you're nuts to play with this stuff, there's no need.' but then( after not being wrecked)I thought: thats pretty much the top of the mountain. dont have to go heavier than that to go "heavy".

and it will definitely make the 53 feel a lot lighter in the hand. :))

the water measurement is what the tanita scale gives me as my level of hydration. my highest hydration levels always correspond to my lower bf numbers.

I am much leaner than I have been in many years though, whether or not that number means anything.

Pete said...

Nice work with the heavy bells, Rif. Strong and lean, serious combination.

I have thought about the getting a scale that read the BF. I am going to google the Tanita scale since it seems to work well for you!

Tim Dymmel said...


Nice job with the heavies! I am really impressed with the bottoms up stuff I'm seeing from you and Ken. Maybe I need to get onboard the BU wagon.

And I really like the new look of the site. Very regal and professional looking. Almost noble.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks pete and tim.pete I have the inner scan model from tanita works very well.

we'll see how long i keep the heavy stuff in,basic common sense says I shouldnt do much.

Ken Black said...

Great work Rif. Congrats on the Pr.

Tom Furman said...

The old strength is coming back!
Check my blog for your old friend. Maybe you could add some stories since like you, he was an athlete who excelled at everything.

Mark Reifkind said...

tom, frenn was certified wack job!strong as a bull but nuts as well.I enjoy playing with the strength but it scares me more than excites me. I have NO room for error.
good piece on him though.

Geoff Neupert said...

Nice job on the PR, Rif.

What's next--cycle back down? Alternate H/L days on Mondays?
Push the strength-endurance?

Mark Reifkind said...


I thought a lot about it and will continue to do the cleans and bottoms up but will NOT play with the Bulldog; just too much opportunity to wreck my shoulders and arms, which I cant afford.
I should be able to safely use the two pood though.

I still want this to be my heavy day as I wont snatch above the 24 kg.the 28 and 32 should suffice.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...