Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Reverse Dousing

I must be cold blooded cause I tend to get cold very easily and cold muscles are even tighter and that does me no good. So instead of fighting my way through a stiff warmup in my frozen garage I took a page out of the Russian play book and did a passive warmup a short, hot bath right before I trained.

Read about this from Dr Hatfield in his awesome book "The Complete Guide to Powerlifting". Just love it. It was magic when I trained at 5:30 am and had very heavy weight on my back at 6:15 am. Hatfield said the Russians used sauna, hot showers or baths. Today the bath was needed as everything was locking up on me.Super hot, Japanese style and no more than ten minutes and I was loose as a goose and ready to go. Unreal. The weightlessness of the bath also helps relieve muscle spasm so well.

Also, inspired by Dan's Cenidoza post about his Rite of Passage Hi Pull workout( inspired by my cert workout) I decided I would do the same ladder,except with the 24 kg. I did seriously consider the 28kg but considering the shoulder was freshly in place for the first time in three days and I have changed my swing groove I decided against it.

Dan used the 32 kg! That's intense.

ROP Hi Pull Ladder
36x5/5x2 ( man I am already warm! what a difference.everything feels LOOSE for a change).

x20/20 in 11 minutes
x10/10 in 13 minutes and some change.

200 reps /10,600 pounds

Man, what a difference being really warm, but without using any energy made! I barely had to warmup the swing and went right to the 24 kg which I almost NEVER do. Or can do.It was tough on set 16/16 and the last two hi reps sets were killer. BUT the new swing technique worked GREAT right from the start and the groove was right there. AND the right shoulder felt NO tug in the bottom as it usually does. Good enough for me. Much more power, velocity and acceleration.and noticeably less joint stress

rested five minutes then:

28 kg high pull
5/5= 50reps /3100 pounds

total high pull pounds = 13,700 pounds. not bad.

These went very well and actually had MORE power and height on them as I only had a few reps to do.Maintained power after all that work pretty well.

Rack walks, one kb

20kgx100 feet one arm, rest 30 sec, 100 feet opposite arm

800 total feet.

knee was good and pace was quick. again going shorter and harder was easier.

Snatch overhead holds
16kgx 60 sec
20 kgx45 sec x2

supersetted with

Bosu stands eyes closed

these went great as well.doing this barefood makes all the difference. One foot stand was the best its ever been. Getting back to what works feels good and VERY excited about new swing form.

bw 161.2
water 59%

One hour later bw 161 bf 8.5%!!!!! New low water 61.1 %
the water must be shifting into the muscle cells,which is what this impedence machine is measuring to quantify bodyfat. I knew I felt lean. Eating later and getting that extra hour or so is key. It is 4 pm and my last food was 7 pm last night.

datsit, staying loose.


Franz Snideman said...

Nice numbers Rif. Do you find the high pulls hlep your snatch techniue? Are they more difficult for you than snatches?

Mark Reifkind said...

absolutely. they are the key assistance excercise for my snatch. it's what I used to build the base for it.they are easier than the snatches although I do end up doing more volume, which is tougher.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...