Monday, October 31, 2022

185 x 10 x 1 technique day,wt pushups laterals,rear delts

 This went great. Not too sore from the weekend and knowing I only had light work made things much easier mentally. Could really focus on technique

The Kono press technique is the winner, no question. But it is rooted in ( pun intended) really rooting my  feet first

Toes grip, glute tightens and that locks in the base/root. Then I can push shoulders back AS I drive hip forward, keeping the glutes tight

and get back into the incline bench position to get under it. hips foward as much as shoulders are back then press STRAIGHT  UP NOT back

185 x 10 x 1  sets 4,5,9,10

Loose belt for first eight sets, then reg tightness for last two. could feel the difference as my back got tired

Wt pushups
BW x 5
53 x 3 x 5 reps

laterals/rear delts
15 x 3 x 8

BW 176.2
BF 14.4

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