Sunday, October 02, 2022

10 lap Ruck

This was way stronger than I expected  and I considered doing all 12 laps instead of the 10 that was planned as part of this new cycle- heavy volume swing day  followed by lowest volume ruck day,

Next week is  16 sets with  44 kg bell and 11 laps in the ruck

Then 12 laps with the 48 and 12 laps (  highest volume) in the ruck

So I stayed with the program and was glad I did. By the  tenth lap I was getting tired. Legs and lungs were ok but gas tank was low

Cool overcast morning, so nice. Air so fresh

Body feel( feels ) relatively  balance ( don't jinx yourself!)

45 lb ruck

10 laps

1:40 min or so 9.5 mph

BW 173.8
BF 14.2

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