Sunday, October 30, 2022

11 lap Ruck


Felt great coming off yesterdays workout. especially knowing tomorrow's a light day.I didn't think it would make such a difference mentally to me but I could really feel it. Knowing I didn't have to immediately start getting ready for heavy  press tomorrow

Pretty much just finally outran my ability to recover. Now just have to be able to get warm prior to Wed workout without a hot passive warmup bath. 

I'll figure it out

But today was good. Super crisp this am ( 45 deg) and started off on a good clip, 8:30 first lap, 17 min mile. I just time the laps and came up with 1:32 min for 11 laps. Total elapsed time door to door  was 2 hours but I could have rested that much but the per lap pace was fast and solid

45 lb ruck

11 laps

1:32 min

12, 360 steps

2 hours door to door

BW 176.0
BF 14.2

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