Monday, September 12, 2022

215,220 (!) 225 miss, 205 x1x 5. weighted pushups,laterals

 This went great! made a very strong and solid 205, 215 and 220 ( my 19th time!) then missed 225 twice. The first miss I dropped my elbows right at the start and the second one I tucked my chin when I should have arched back more 

But both  attempts flew off my  chest.

This technique is definitely  correct. Just need a lot more practice but the mechanical cues are right

Dialed it down to

1) Unrack and FREEZE

2) throw the head

3) Re throw the head

A bit more detailed

setup with bar high just under clavicles

swing under and elbows UP

spot X

FUCKING FREEZE after unracking. FREEZE!

Throw head back

Rethrow head back just at sticking point( or just before)

Warmups went great
65 85 105 were fine

135 x 2 almost too fast left triceps a bit tweaky!

155 x 1
175 x1 fast
195 x 1 excellent

205 x 1 strong

215 x 1 no problem although it looks like I shift forward a bit on lockout
220 x 1 on first attempt!
225 miss I can see right before I launch I dropped my elbows a bit which through everything forward
225 x miss kept elbows up but lost back arch at stick point. fell back :(
Then 5 perfect sets of 1 with 205!

This was a solid workout

Wt pushups
3 x 10 with  53

side raises/ rear delts

3 x 8/8 20 lbs

BW 174.2!! Super duper burger AND ribeye must have helped
BF 13.1

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