Wednesday, June 30, 2021

175 lb press x 2 x 11 sets,24 kg swings, band tri ext

 Another potentially HUGE piece of the puzzle today, the wrist angle! My wrist has been bugging a bit of late from a variety of things but the Onyz wrist wrap seems to be hurting more than helping so I went without today.

Realized that I've been letting the wrist bend back more than before and while it wasn't necessarily hurting I was leaking in that position and potentially helping to push the bar forward at the sticking point, as I push over the top a bit

SO I adopted the kb wrist position of "no wrists" and really loaded the bar LOW on the heel of my hand during the set up and man it help keep my elbows in by itself!

Plus it irradiated tension all through my  body on the setup. Excellent and felt natural , 'right' and strong all at the same time

Let me pause longer too and get tighter which I think might be important too. The longer I pause the tighter I get (as long as I don't shift weight back to heels) today worked great.

Hopefully this is the last big piece of the puzzle

set 5
I can even see in this thumbnail my elbows are in a much better under the bar position!

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 2
175 x 2 x 11 sets

24 kg swings

5 x 8/8

band triceps extenions
Green band 4 sets of 15
I think this will work. I like that it's peak contraction at full extension

BW 177.4
BF 13.7

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...