Monday, December 31, 2018

177 lb press 1 x 5 ,2 x 2, 32 kg belt squats,Floor pushups, laterals

Full blown cold. Decent nights sleep but a pretty full workday and lots of meds to keep going. Nothing bad but irritating and distracting
Got the workout I wanted, all with false grip ( which I'm still not sure is any better, really) but it wasn't as easy as I hoped.
Could be the cold, could be the groove.
All in all it got done but didn't fill me with the confidence I had hoped it would

Standing press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
177 x 1  x 5
177 x 2 x 2
9 reps with 91% of max

 Will see how next week feels, might be time to take a run at 200 and put that thing to rest

32 kg belt squat

nose clear and endurance good. could be the pseudophed :)

Floor pushups

very strong suprisingly so. again endurance is surprisingly good.

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 170.8
BF 13.3

Sunday, December 30, 2018

47 lb ruck

The headcold I've been fighting for the last few days won. It settled it pretty mild during yesterday but gave me some issues sleeping. Nothing bad just sinus congestion. hard to breathe through my nose but trying to do so helped

Ruck was fine , just took it slow and I felt relatively strong.

47 lb ruck
12 laps
8 iso squat stretches
1:50 min
RPE 6.5

lots of little stops to let legs loosen up

BW 169.8 (first time under 170 in awhile)
BF 13.3

Lighter presses tomorrow with false grip

Saturday, December 29, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x10/10,Pistol Practice, wt pushups, laterals

Tough one today. Been fighting the beginnings of a cold and today's the toughest workout we do, really. It's not super heavy but not light either and 20 reps sets are just hard. IF you do them right and try to accelerate maximally every rep of every set.

Not really sick yet but a bit congested and stuffy.
Oh well. Do my best

It was fine. Only one swinging today but glenn was there to coach. I always end up going faster this way and even though I tried to slow down and breathe more I was faster which made it harder. that's ok I haven't pushed cardio in forever.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
17,600 lbs
 RPE 7.5

Pistol practice
4 sets of  4/4 with shoe but no extra heel elevation. Made a big discovery too. I need to conciously shift my weight to the big toe before I start the descent and it dramatically changes my balance point for the better AND my rec fem does not scream at me! Very weird but good. Big toe pressure preloads the quads

Wt pushups ( false grip)
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 3

switched to false grip prepping for Monday press

3 x 8/8 with 15's

BW 170.2
BF 11.3
W 59.1

( bath)

the ruck should be interesting tomorrow

Friday, December 28, 2018

47 lb ruck

Bumped the weight up just a bit as I barely even notice the 45 lbs anymore.  Didn't want to jump too much and I couldn't tell I had increased it either, which is just as I wanted,

Started off stiff and tired but warmed up quickly.Decent pace and breath control

48 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min

BW 170.6
BF 13.0

legs feeling good lately

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

24 kg speed swings 12 min 8 RPA,Standing press 105-142 x 3,walking lunges 20#, laterals

Hard to believe just how much harder 8 reps per 15 second is than 7 reps! My heartrate at the end was 160 or so and it hasn't been topping 140 of late, even for 16 min. But it had to be done as it's just been too easy and it's not helping me get better.
Hard to accept I used to do 10 reps per arm for 20 min sets on a very regular basis. But it sucked ,lol, and was definitely more about lactic acid tolerance training than power production but I need some 'sucked' too.
Well it did :)

24 kg speed swings
15:15  8 rpa
12 min
192 reps
10,176 lbs tonnage

but form and power felt good and bell speed and height were as well

Standing press- False grip
45 x 5
65 ,85 x 3
105 x 3 x 5 sets
115 x 3 x 2 sets
127 x 3 x 2 sets
132 x 3
142 x 3

No idea why i decided to play with false grip but it felt really really good. Seemed actually easier to get the bar launched as well! weird. Will take it for a test ride Monday with 177 and see how it locks out.
I could bench so much better with a false grip than with thumb wrapped but that was a bench and not overhead but it seemed to also take pressure off my biceps tendon as it did in the bench.

It seemed like if I 'pinched' my elbows in right before the start it really set the groove and the launch well. And without as much leanback needed

20 LB walking lunges( zercher hold)
4 laps of 20 steps

these felt GREAT! as good as a lunge has felt. Maybe extra weight was what I needed to re groove

One arm db laterals
3 x 10/10 with 15's
band rear delts
3 x 12 with red band

need to put these in the rotation as an alternated move

BW 171.4
BF 13.1

1 pm
BF 11.1

after bath


Monday, December 24, 2018

185 lb Press 3 x 2 PR! 1x1, 60 kg belts squat , floor pushups, laterals

This was a freakin hard ass workout! Start to finish. Even the warmups were hard. No excuses I felt great, slept great felt strong and solid and had a bath and good stretchout. It was just fucking heavy and with this exercise I have NO margin for error. BUT I did 7 solid reps with 95% and that should get me to 200 in three attempts or less.

I can grind on this, that's for sure, but for sure I shouldn't HAVE to with these damn weights.The groove is so elusive for me and so dependent on so many variables. But, I made the lifts and I made a big jump from 180 last week. Normally I would have jumped just 2.5 lbs but I'm on a deadline :) it was fine

I did see from the video I am NOT getting enough of the bar weight on my chest on the step out. If I'm too vertical on the walkback it always feels heavier and that was true today.

Not sure what I'll do next week. Not ready for attempts at 200 nor 190. Perhaps 175 for some fast doubles. I'll think on it.

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 1 ( ugh, not fast at all. had me very worried)
185 x 2 x 3 sets  fighting on each one each set a PR
185 x 3/4 miss
185 x 1!

total reps with 95% of 195 max = 7

second set. I did NOT have ANY confidence for a double on the third set. But I fixed some timing and it was easier

60 kg belt squat PR
10 flat floor
10 x 3 sets standing on plates

these went great! first time with this weight

Floor pushups
2 sets of 50 !

3 sets of 10/10 with 15's

BW 170.2
BF 13.3

Merry Christmas to me!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm swings 10 x 5/5, assisted pistols, wt pushups, laterals

This was a very surprisingly strong day all around. I got the closest ever to transferring the 68 kg and  did not have one grip issue the entire workout. A serious PR for that. The first time I felt like I could accelerate the 68 kg without feeling it was going to tear out of my hand.
Grip strength and overall total body strength obviously up

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4
60 kg x 5/5 x 7 ( 9240 lbs)
68 kg x 5/5  x 3 ( 4500 lbs)
13,740 lbs total!

Assisted floor pistols
3 sets of 5/5 SO much harder on the rec fem but ready for it. Front hand spot kept me more square

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
strong today. pecs and shoulders cooperated

2 set of 10/10 with 15s

BW 170.4
BF 12.1
W 58.5


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday Ruck

Really nice one today. Super overcast, cool to the point of almost being cold for the first few laps then joyous as the outside cool air made going faster just that much easier.
Legs felt light but strong and loose. Lungs solid too

But SO did not want to go! But so glad i did

45 lb ruck
6 laps
52 min
RPE 6.5

BW 170.8 ( third day straight! )
BF 14.3
W 56.7

uh oh too low water

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

24 kg speed swings 16 min,115 lb standing press 10x3,walking lunges, laterals

Just a weird rhythm to this workout, lots of pre workout issues distracting then miscues with training partner as to times but all in all this went ok

speed swings
24 kg x 7 RPA
16 min
11,872 lbs
RPE 6.5

all systems are go. 7's are actually too easy now but I really am not ready to go to 8's lol.


I at least have to start alternating sets with 7's and 8's

105 x 3 x 3 sets
110 x 3 x 3 sets
115 x 3 x 4 sets

this just takes so long to warmup the extension, especially after swings but it was solid. Remember to flex harder than you think you have to prior to launch. really makes a difference

walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft
long stride technique today

3 x 8/8 with 20's
not bad

BW 170.8
BF 13.6

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, December 17, 2018

180 lb press 5 x 2, 135 x 10 PR, 48 kg belt squat, Floor pushups, laterals

This started out very tough and ended up very well.

All things were go at the start and it was a very tough heavy start. Felt good, elbow resolved itself, sleep was solid, no alcohol mindset good but the warmups and the first set felt heavy. Had thought I would do the first set with 180 and if it was strong I would go 182.5 for the rest. My first set scuttled that idea. It was slow, at least the first rep

but the second set was solid and then the third (above) was strong as was 4 and 5
 Maybe just got warmed up?

Standing press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 2
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1 ( not bad but not easy)
180 x 2 x 5 sets
RPE after second set 7
135 x 10 PR had more left too

48 kg belt squats
10, 12, 14 , 16

Floor pushups

this was a surprise too

15 lbs x 8/8 x 3

BW 170.4
BF 13.3

dats it, Next week up to 185 and see what I can do, Hopefully some doubles. thinking set one single, then a double then see

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Strong Ruck

This was a great surprise. Legs were loose but strong and the entire ruck was solid.The air was cool and crisp and the sky gorgeous.
I caught the flow of the ruck quickly and I can't remember a better one.
Stride felt elastic and strong


45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:52 min
RPE 6 !

BW 170.2 !!
BF 13.0
W 57.7

that's surprising too

going to 182.5 for double tomorrow instead of 180.  We'll see

Saturday, December 15, 2018

48 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 6/6, Box Pistols , wt pushups, laterals

These went really went. Was rested fresh and un tweaked. Good combo
Wasn't freezing cold either and that's huge
The damn bell is heavy that's for sure but I also didn't have to really focus on my grip to get through and try to maximize power without it opening up
That's progress

One Arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 6/6 x 10
120 reps
12, 720 lbs tonnage

Box Pistols

these went well too.  Left side is really coming along  right side is way higher and I haven't figured out the groove yet either. Looking at the video it seems I am twisting right with the torso when I squat left, I should be twisting left. Perhaps I should hold on with the left arm . Will test it

3 sets of 6/6 off box
1 sets of 4/4 on floor. Leg is strong but rec fem screams! especially left side! Still more work to be done

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 3 sets

horiz bar feels strong

3 sets of 10/10 with 15s

BW 171.4
BF 11.4
W 59.9

ruck up tomorrow!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Fast Ruck

 Really solid one yesterday. Tracy went with and without a ruck so all the laps times were fast, lol. Legs were a bit tired at first but able to  keep pace.

45 lb ruck
6 laps
48 min
RPE 6.5

 BW 171.6
BF 13.3

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

24 kg speed swings 8 RPA, 107 and 117 lb press 8 x 3, walking lunges, laterals

Late start today but we got it done. Decent too

24 kg speed swings
14 min
196 reps
10,388 lbs tonnage
RPE 7.5

pretty strong effort all around.

Standing press
107 x 3 x 5 sets
117 x 3 x 3 sets

these felt heavy and triceps were cooked. wanted to go heavier but this was not easy and didn't even feel decent til the 4th set

walking lunges
3 sets of 40

these actually felt good

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 170.8
BF 13.3

day off tomorrow

New MacV 1 boots in. love em so far

Monday, December 10, 2018

180 lb press: 5 x 2 PR! 44 kg belt squats, floor pushups,laterals

This was unexpected. Especially after the first set where I got the second rep but really had to grind on it. The above is the second set ( which I filmed as I didn't know if there would be a third!) but there was. And a fourth. But the fifth was crazy as I really had a ball busting grind on the first rep and that I was done but then decided 'hey, just go for it' and it was easier and faster than the rep before!

SO much of this is just timing everything PERFECTLY.  When it's this heavy if it's not perfect its a grind. But I can do it now and not miss. Just a few months ago I would have missed at least 4 of the 10 reps I did not being committed to keeping the hips forward at the sticking point. Now I know works but still need stronger glutes in extension.
Perhaps band work thrusters of some kind. Serious.

Standing Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
122 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 2 x 5 sets ALL TIME PR

Never did ONE double with this weight before. Definitely strong enough to do 200 if I time it right
Or maybe even if I dont SO much stronger than when I barely missed 200 months ago.

44 kg belt squat
10, 12, 14 ,16

very close stance and really working knees forward in the bottom plus keeping weight on big toe better

Floor pushups

not sure if  this is an all time PR but it is a recent one

3 sets of 8/8 with 15s

BW 171.2
BF 13.1

good day!

45 lb Ruck

Another excellent ruck Sunday. Cool breeze, overcast and just a strong one. Started out a bit tight in the glutes and legs from the workout saturday but by the fourth lap things got loose and I got much faster.

Did 8 or supported squat stretches to loosen things up and that helped. No more calf issues since I switched boots

45 lb ruck
12 laps
8 supported squat stretch holds
1:50 min

Most excellent!

Saturday, December 08, 2018

44 kg One Arm swings 10 x 8/8, box pistols, wt pushups, laterals

A lot better than last week. First, not hungover, and second eights are SO much better than tens  (read :easier ) But reallt decent power out put too
Not my best effort with this weight but solid

One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps
15 , 520 lbs tonnage
RPE 7.5

Box pistols
4 x 5/5

rec fems were tightening up A LOT on each side on each rep! Pistols were solid but the rec fem was cramping!

Parallel bar pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

decent. good break for horiz position

3 sets of 8/8 with 20s

these felt hard. a bit heavy

BW 170.4
BF 11.4
W 58.9

ruck up tomorrow

Friday, December 07, 2018

Thursday ruck

A good one today. Got a late coffee so I was amped and ready to walk! Nice cool overcast weather always helps too, plus the air is so clean again! Legs felt loose and strong as did lungs.All in all very good

45 lb ruck
6 laps
52 min

BW 170.6
BF 13.1

Oh, BTW just ordered these. Could not help myself :) Don't need 'em, just want 'em

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

24 kg speed swings 13 min 7 RPA, standing press 105 x 3 x 10 , walking lunges, laterals

This actually went easy today. Felt rested, strong and ready to go. Always nice although these instances are further and further apart, at least they still occur :)

 Even got rushed into the start and it went fine

24 kg speed swings
13 min
182 reps
9646 lbs tonnage

very strong today on all front, power, grip wind, acceleration

Standing press
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3 x 10

I like this better. 10 first reps practice is better than 5 or 6 sets

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

next week add sandbag weight. ready again

3 x 10/10 with 15's

best this move has felt in a month

BW 171.6
BF 13.1

datsit it
ruck up tomorrow

Monday, December 03, 2018

175 lb Standing Press 5 x 3 PR!, 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups, laterals

Got all them first shot! It's been a long time since that has happened.The video is the second set, they got better each set after that with the last set truly the best set! This is so dependent of perfect timing of the press into the bar drive, the hip/ glute extension and static hold as you go through the sticking point and then being patient and staying in balance through the lockout. Lots to go wrong and not much leeway to not go off

But I was strong today despite another too busy for optimal recovery weekend

Standing Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 3 x  5 sets PR!! ( big warmup jumps too)

3 min minimum rest between sets. probably some close to 4 . This helps so much. Vital at these workloads and volume

40 kg belt squat
12, 14, 16, 18

very close stance. strong and rhythmic/ hammies were sore from all the rucking and swings and four straight days of training

Floor pushups


3 x 8/8 with 20's

best these have felt in a month

BW 172.2 !!
BF 12.4

1 pm ( three poops later :) )

ate a lot yesterday

of much needed day off. very happy with the sets. next week 180 for doubles

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Full ruck

What a beautiful morning. Cool, crisp and slightly overcast. Made to go fast. And, right after a fresh rain so the air is full of O2 and moisture. Perfect.  Had a few interruptions the first 20 min which required slowing down but I made up by going super fast the rest of the two hours. Brought it in right on on time but felt stronger each lap.

45 lb ruck
12 laps
2 hours exactly
RPE 6.25

BW 170.4
BF 10.4
W 69.9

Post bath again but it's great to see those numbers again

Ok tomorrows press is 175 for triples. Will see how many


Saturday, December 01, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10x10/10, box pistols, wt pushups, laterals

It's a good thing that kettlebell training is " the best thing for a hangover" because i overindulged just a bit last night.
You pick it, you play it, is a favorite saying of mine so I did.

It wasn't that bad but it wasn't fun, especially on todays' big volume workout, lol.
Serves me right

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4 ( I actually thought we were using this weight today! total mind gap! Have ZERO idea why as we haven't use this weight for sets and reps in years. Could have been the wine
40 kg x 10 x 10/10
200 reps
17,600 lbs tonnage( now that'll knock the alcohol out!)
RPE 8.5-9.0

Didn't help I rucked yesterday, either. Legs were feeling it
No worries though, I lived :)

Box Pistols
4 sets of 6/6

now these were the best ever. Really finding my groove and my rec fems are getting stronger every week

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

strong here too

3 x 10/10 with 15s

no problem

BW 168.4
BF 10.4 !!!
W 59.9

wow haven't seen these numbers in forever. I'll take it. Especially the day after :)

Ruck up tomorrow  full two hours!

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...