Saturday, February 17, 2007

Swinging rings.

Although it was the apparatus and event that ruined my gymnastics career,nothing else I have ever done athletically compares to the feeling of doing straight arm giants and shoots to handstands on the still rings. Talk about a feeling of mastery over the unstable and chaotic!

There is nothing still at all about the still rings unless you make it so. And that ain't even close to easy. And there is virtually nothing one can do on the rings unless you are very, very, very strong. Even the lowly muscleup and support engenders all kinds of respect in the fitness world. And for good reason; almost 99.9% of all people could not do one. Even if they tried. Hard. Really hard.

SO in my last year of gymnastics when I learned and was very consistent with straight arm giants and shoots( not even close to mastery though, that takes a long time in my book) I was ecstatic. And doing snatches today I was very much reminded of how my hands rotates around the bells handle so much like it does around the rings when doing giant swings and shoots.

In fact, the more I just think of the snatch as a swing to handstand the easier it is for me. The same upward shrugging I am doing when going overhead now is also my old gymnastics shoulder position. It definitely is NOT standard issue for most people, but most dont have my background or my injuries :))

I am very mindful of the fact that most of my recent gains in 'squaring off and getting plumb' have come since I realized I had to go back and regain the ability to get into the same positions I could as a gymnast. Especially the ones before I was injured the first time. The more I do that and the more ROM I get and the more I can move into the positions I could when I was in my developmental stages as an athlete the better I feel and the less pain I have.

It was what finally worked to get almost all my knee extension back and with that, my ability to walk again. It looks like it is also working for my shoulder.

9 am solo.
Swing complex warmup
two hand, one arm, darcs

10 minutes swing with 26,36

one arm swings


53x5/5x10 sets
100 reps 5300 #

I LIVE for days like today!! Decided to go by feel today and everything felt great! Found my groove early and just went with the flow. Even though each set, especially the first five, were filled with fear and trepidation as I didn't know which would go first, my back or my shoulder but hey, if I let that stuff get to me I would never train. It definitely helps you focus :))
Started feeling the straight arm shoot feeling early and just the punch through of my hand was more than enough to get the bell to turn perfectly.

Kept the bell in closer overhead and the shoulder up at the top.Good holds too. No problem. I also conciously got the bell turned over as early as possible on the descent and got it into the 'one arm swing' position right away. worked great.

One arm swings

104 reps/4576 #

204 reps /9576 total pounds.

two kb press
2 12 kg x 3,4,5,5,5

this was amazing that I could do it. It felt great.used mirror for alignment of arm and the scapula activated really well, although I did have to fight for it a bit.

36x8/8 x2

Crush press

Just playing with the press but the overhead position now is actually becoming theraeutic!

this bodes VERY well!

datsit, staying loose.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...