Monday, February 19, 2007


Back and shoulder held fine from saturdays snatch day I am glad to report. the stick press/overhead shrug work fantastically for me. I get ALOT of clavicular adjustments which I knew I needed but didnt know how to elicit.

Clean and press( one kb)
20kg x1,2,3,4,5 x 2 rungs( one clean per press)

Used the same upward shrug on the press, with a strict shoulder retraction on the negative and it worked well. the right side fatigued much earlier than I expected although the shoulder/biceps tendon did not hurt.Was going to do more but I thought the double press would work even better so:

2 kb clean and press( one clean per press)
12kg x5x 2

(2)16kgx3x5 sets
really got my hands in close in the rack and over head.Felt strong with the best overhead ROM I have had yet. I think need to stick with these and NOT clean before each rep. Just press.

Bottoms up cleans
28 kgx3/3!! Yes these were easy too. Heaviest I have been in awhile.

Face pulls
Stick press/scap retractions

KB extensions on floor( one kb)
12kgx8/8x4 sets

these went well. man have my triceps gone to shit,lol!they used to be my strongest upper body muscles.Nice at least to feel them working again without killing my shoulder.

Rack walks
20 kgx 200 feet laps per arm
1600 total feet.

BW 162.2
BF 8.3%
Water 61.4

this is the heaviest I've been in awhile.all this muscle work, lol.



Royce said...

SAWEET dude, I like seeing the ladders in there.
Way to go dude!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, I really appreciate your enthusiasm and positivity, it helps.Its nice to do a little upper body work again with less pain. I think though, that the double work is going to be better for me than the singles.suprising.

Royce said...

It makes sense to me man, unilateral work will torque you.
Bilateral makes you generate tension equally across your body.
In fact as I found out today, the more I torque, or turn, into the pressing arm the more strength I have in that movement.
That is probably exactly what you don't need.

BTW reading your blog and posts for the last year or so have helped me immensely, you really are a positve force in the grand schem of things man. I am really glad you are getting your mobility back dude!

Franz Snideman said...

Hey Rif,

nice to see you doing some double KB presses. your shoulders must be working well to do those.

Are you getting any soft tissue work on your Teres Major, Teres Minor, Biceps, Forearms, pecs, lats amd upper traps?

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man it seems to be going ok. and yes I work on all those areas quite intensely every day.I need way too much myofasical work to rely on outside masseurs.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...