Thursday, February 22, 2007

How to press the KB by Yoanna Snideman

This is a great little article on the most important factors in doing a strong RKC style KB press.

* Tips for learning how to press heavyTip # 1 - Learn how to deadlift. The secret for me in learning to press heavy was discovering how to press against the earth and generate force and tension from the ground up. If you do not know how to use the earth to your advantage, it is hard to lift or press anything heavy. The beauty of the deadlift is that it teaches you how to intergrate your body into one harmonious machine and it teaches you how to generate maximum tension. And of course those of you out there who have deadlifted heavy know what I mean. The amount of tension and focus you need to "GRIND" a heavy weight and pull it off the floor is amazing. That is why I say learn how to deadlift correctly and your press can do nothing BUT improve. Once I "got it" and figured out how to tension my body, the 24kg KB went up.

Tip # 2 - Make your clean powerful and crisp. The secret to a great press is a powerful and focused clean. If you clean the KB and allow it to land on a loose, soft and lazy structure, forget it partner. You are not going to press anything respectable. You must clean the weight by loading the hips first, then by "POPPING" the hips. From there you aggresively grip and wrap your hand around the bell and almost "PULL" it into your body. The second you complete the clean, IMMEDIATELY start the press. I think it is a big mistake to wait too long after the clean. Clean the KB and start the press. Don't let your body LEAK any power and tension.

Tip # 3 - Be aggressive and know that the weight will go up. You must see the weight going up in your mind's eye prior to lifting it. Press the weight is your mind several times, know you can get it, and own it. Remember that feeling. Half the battle is in your thoughts and mind. If you are lacking belief and confidence, forget it, you have already lost. You must be CONFIDENT, FOCUSED, and ON PURPOSE.

Tip # 4 - Don't give up on the press. Many people the second they feel struggle give up on their press. Don't do this. Any weight that is heavy will challenge you. Know that it will be a challenge. As soon as the KB starts slowing down or you hit a sticking point, that is where all the prior training of deadlifting and tensioning techniques come into play. If you have done your homework on the other tension exercises, your press will automatically improve.

Tip # 5 - Learn how to press from the lat. I highly recommend that all women (and men) who want to press a heavy KB learn how to do weighted pull ups. Much like how the deadlift teaches you how to "COMPRESS" your body, the pull up teaches you to engage the lats. The strongest pressers I have ever seen all have well developed lats and very strong pull ups. If you can learn how to press from the lat your press will get better, PERIOD!

Yoanna Snidemann

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...