Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ed Coan. 685x5 Raw.


Royce said...

WOW, your right, 135 looked like 685, even the way he got the bar in position. The same form all the way through. That impresses me more than the lift. ( and the lift is very impressive ).

Mark Reifkind said...

exacltly dude! exactly. He should be studied over and over again to see just how to squat bench and dl.his focus in unsurpassed.
I watched him the WHOLE meet in 2001 where he broke 2400 and he NEVER broke concentration the entire meet. NOT ONCE.Surreal.

hey I just got back from the range and shot a Kimber .45 and Springfield HD .45 and a Sig Sauer P226 9 mm and I really liked the sig best. fit my hand and my groups were the tightest.9 mm is plenty for what I need anyway.
gonna buy the sig in a month or so.

Christian D. said...

Awesome video. I need to watch more of Ed Coan!

Thanks for the post.

Royce said...

That is a trip, I snatch the bulldog for the first time and run around like I won the lotto!!
i have been focusing more on making everything the same, I have a LONG way to go, but is fun try to master a skill.

Cool, Sigs are quality guns too.
Fun to shoot. And accurate.
About the only thing I have anymore is my old .22 rifle my dad bought me when I was a kid.
When I'm done with school this will change!
Barb grew up with guns in the house but they make her very very nervous, so I need to get a gun safe first.

Mark Reifkind said...

congrats on snatching the big dog dude! thats excellent.and yes to the safe,especially with so many kids around. I have one.

Pete said...

Amazing vid, Rif. I was impressed with how focused he was in form and mind on his wasrmups as he was in his work set. What an example to follow.

You definitely won't go wrong with a Sig, Rif. I have a 40 and a 45 compact. Love em both. Did you shoot a Sig 226 40 cal? It should fit the same in your hand. A bigger hole, pretty much the same amount of recoil.

Royce said...

Rif I still can't tell you how much I appreciate your video posts, it was your high pull technique after all, that got me to be able to snatch the 'dog.
( I really gotta go see a RKC ).
Too bad I don't live in Norcal.

Mark Reifkind said...

royce you are welcome. I am a very visual learner so I am always looking for good visual examples to study.


no I didnt shoot the .40, just the 9mm.have to go back and try that if the recoil is the same.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...