Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The simple joys.

Thanks to Tom Furman and Fireman Tom Corrigan for finding this clip.

Back pain is unique. When your lower back says no everything else sits down and waits til central command says they can it again.You don't really notice how EVERYTHING is connected to the lower back until it spasms when you move anything.
Monday was alright, I was moving better but it still didnt feel 'right'. I did my light swing workout and it was alright during but locked up pretty tight Monday night. When sitting hurts and laying on your back is relieving you're at one level of forked up. When laying flat on you back hurts you are in trouble, and that's where I was Monday night.
The only position that didnt hurt was kneeling and now that I think about it that's pretty ironic. I was kneeling by my head praying ,although not conciously, that my back would go back into place and the spasms go away. All I wanted was the easy mobility I have been having for the last year or so, and while not taking it for granted at all, I was still not groking the exquisite joy that just not being in pain represents! Just being able to move and sit and bend and walk and lay without wincing your way through every millimeter.It's impossible to remember how pain feels, which, I guess what makes it bearable over the long haul. As soon as it's gone it's gone.

And it's gone. Tracy spent almost an hour working on my deep hip rotators and piriformis and it did the trick. I thought the pain was coming from my back but it was my glutes and external rotators that were locking up my back. ONce they released the back followed! Amazing.

I also "Sarno'ed" it quite a bit and looked deep into what was bothering me on any level and tried to let that go. I honestly think that was as much to do with the back unlocking as any bodywork I did. Lots of drama going on everywhere it seems and although I didnt think it was getting to me, obviously it did.
But Monday was great and I could move normally again; as if the incident never happened! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth,especially when they are taking knife out of your spine.

SO, decided to press swing and snatch a little. Get back on the horse.My overhead positon has changed greatly since the Hartman article and I wanted to try to press again. Enter the Kettlebell is such a great basic kb template that I would really like to be able to do more pressing.I was watching the humerus, elbow and kb postition in the video of the old Girevik and was playing with some ideas I had that I thought migh allow me to press.

Clean and press

these felt great. really concentrated on keeping the HUMERUS vertical in the rack position and letting the forearm come across my chest at an angle, like the catch position of the old girevik.I also shrugged UP as I press and was very suprised how much decompression it gave to my shoulder and let me press pain free! The bell ended up closer to my head than previously. A much better overhead position.
I pulled the shoulder back into the socket, as per Pavel's advice and as I do on the Hartman stick press/overhead shrug, before the negative. The negative was a mirror image of the positive rep; humerus vertical not forearm.
I have such a large carry angle that this makes sense.My elbows hyperextend a alot.

Swing Snatch

these went well too and I was nervous. Back was feeling absolutely normal. How strange.IN fact I am considerably LOOSER than normal. Course that could be cause I havent trained hard in a week :)) Focused on holding the overhead position and pulling the shoulder into the socket before the down swing.

One arm swings

two hand swings

I had a hunch about these too and they worked very well.

Stick press
face pulls

4 supersets

KB Bottoms up press( two hands, one bell)
26x5x3 sets

Kb triceps extension( on floor, one bell)

I have found my new favorite tricep exercise!These didnt hurt the shoulders at all. Reminds me of the rolling db extensions I used to do. The kb is great because there is constant but changing resisitance through the whole ROM

Rack Walks
36#x 400 foot laps( 200 each arm)x3 =1200 feet

these went easy.

bw 161.4
water 60.8%

Man I am SO happy to feel normal and be able to train again and so happy my press feel decent again.


Chris said...

Glad to hear that you are loosened up again. It truly is a simple pleasure to be without pain. Appreciate it.

Sarno and a foam roller are where I am at the moment too when my back tightens up.

Mark Reifkind said...

thnaks man, it was a pretty bad weekend.

Geoff Neupert said...

Sarno--he's the guy who says pain is all in your head, right?

Glad to hear you're back's feeling better.

archeopterix said...

Mark it always seems you are working out so hard you are on the verge of injury. I remember you writing about being happy you could walk without pain. Have you ever considered taking some time off and just doing functional things like going on walks or swimming? Using some of that tremendous energy to volunteer or learn to cook authentic Italian food, or birdwatch or play chess. Something where your bf percentage isn't an issue? I respect you as an athlete, I could never achieve some of the things you have, but sometimes I feel like you are missing out on other things in life and are in pain a lot.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks for the concern. I have been ramping DOWN my training for years and truly do appreciate being able to walk and work as painfree as possible. I gave up all competition(even with myself) two years ago so as not to push myself too hard anymore.
BUT after 35 years of intense training for competition it is hard to not to go hard, lol!

Training is where I feel whole, connected and strong. If I didnt train I would feel miserable and cooking classes wouldnt help in the least, unfortunately.

It is also the source of all my knowledge as a trainer as well as how to deal with these injuries that I and my clients come up with.
Believe it or not these little blips are getting further and farther in between and I can walk better and do more than I have in years, thanks to kbs and mobility work( not to mention NOT squatting or deadlifting).

MY bodyfat is not an issue just a way for me to challenge myself without hurting myself. I rely primarily on my warrior diet to achieve the low bf and not excess training.
Oh and if I stop training I dont have such tremendous energy, I get depressed and want to do less,not more.

thanks though.

Mark Reifkind said...

also click,

I was seriously injured in gymnastics at 17 and forced to retire at 21 from another gymnastics injury so I was wrecked from the start.

archeopterix said...

Hi Mark,

I know what you mean "It's hard not to go hard." I have this feeling that if I don't work out my body will fall apart, it's a deep-seated fear, and it's not really true. I've had periods where I didn't go to the gym for a year, and if I ate normally, i.e. when I'm hungry, I didn't look all that different from when I work out. Yes a little less buff and tight, but basically same body type. Of course I'm not a hardcore fitness person.

I'm trying to figure out what is the right balance for myself, and fear of aging plays into it. Anyway, if it makes you feel connected and powerful, I say go for it.

Mark Reifkind said...


anymore its not that 'Hard to go Hard' thats getting to me it's that I can get hurt doing virtually nothing!
Please beleive me when I say these workouts are SO easy compared to what I have been used to doing I really don't consider them hard at all.

as far as taking time off for a year,lol! I would be insane. I havent missed more than a handfull of scheduled workouts in 35 years.
It was tough going from training 6 days a week in gymnastics and running to 5 in bodybuilindg then down to 4 in powerlifting.
Now I am down to three and thats as low as it goes :))
I really consider my training my art and you know how cranky artists get if they can't do their art. Same here.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...