Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Not a lot of sleep last night so it was a long workday.My LEFT levator,trap,rotator and rhomboids decided to wake me up at 1 am with a very sharp spasm. I knew what it was: my right side setting into 'place' pushed my left side out, LOL! :)) My tongue is only partially in my cheek.

didnt freak me out but it wasnt great sleep and I was almost gonna get up and back knobber it but thought better of it. Got a lot of it out at work.

Two Handed Swings, hollow style.

53x 10 /2120
x4 rounds

120 reps /7480 lbs

these went surpsingly well. Now just have to wait out the lowe back and things will be golden. Used my hollow chest style here and it's probably real ugly but boy does it swing smooth and powerfully. The bell is head high each rep.I am upward shrugging as I hip snap and it transfers the power into the bell very well.
My hips are high as well but thats my swing I guess. I can root well too.

KB curl and press( bottoms up- one curl per press)

this was very interesting as well. Can really feel these upward shrug/downard pull combo decompressiing the shoulders very well and mobilizing the scapulae better than ever. The bottom up position keeps the bell well in from of me for th first half of the press,with the forearms pretty perpendicular to the floor. Just like the stick press and that's how I think of it. Focus is mainly from the middle back on the ascent and descent of each rep!

Thumbs up lateral/shrug
green bands 5x12

more upward shrugging.felt good.

Rack walks with 36 lb
400 foot continuous feet equal 1 lap, 200 feet per arm

2000 feet.

very, very easy and relatively fast

bw 161.6
bf 8.9%
water 60.8%

Now to stretching for 20 minutes or so: hammies, calves, abs glutes.Get on the floor.

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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...