Brett Jones's and Michael Castrogiovanni's KB Basics is the best instructional dvd on the market, imo.While Pavels RKC is the classic introduction into the world of the kettlebell challenge, Brett and Mikes tuturial on how to do and teach the basic RKC movements in RKC form is fantastic. I have relearned so many little things I hadn't thought of in many moons and got some great teaching ideas for new ways to break through some clients issues. As well as my own.
Mike's form is spot on and he shows exactly why strong is good.Lots and lots of speed and power in all the different moves ,as well as incredible flexibility and mobility . Brett has these progressions and the requisite corrections down to a science and it was great to listen to all the little tidbits I hadnt heard in so long.
Every angle as well as every possible mistake is demonstrated and for those of us visual learners it is a treat to see how to do something perfectly.Makes study so much easier.As usual the basics are the best way to mastery.Deep skill is the right method and going back to the start is always instructional.
It's marketed for coaches, what about for average joes?
royce,it is geared towrds strength coaches or those who are teaching others kbs.but it is filled with great info and progressoions for any using kbs.worth it for sure.
cool next on the list then
I agree with you Rif. This DVD spills the beans and tells you what you really need to know. As nice as KB on the BOSU are and juggling, spinning, flipping KB's is, nothing beats the basics. I think some people get to carried away with too much variety and I for one have been guilty of that. You inspired me to pull Brett's DVD out and I watched the whole series followed by Pavel's ETK DVD, another beauty! Both DVD's combined are powerful.
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