Monday, October 07, 2024

215 x 1!, 210 x 1 x 2, 205 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts and front raises

 I got an overnight bad case of platarfascitis Saturday and all day  Sunday so much so that I didn't even do a walk much less a ruck!

Then the anterior tib on my left leg started acting up and I could barely stand up!


this is getting very very old
It's like a pin ball machine:from my leg thumb to my right  thumb to my left lat to my right levator/neck first rib then down to the calves and feet!!

Hopefully the twist is working it's way completely out of my body. Crazy though that those other tweaks were non existent when my feet were acting up

But I could press and I got most of the dorsiflexion back as well as the ankle mobility

I decided to continue 'feeding the mistakes' by accepting the knee dip just as I did the elbow flare. Don't try to accentuate it but stop trying to stop it

Worked great and it gave me the best 215 I've done in months PLUS  TWO 210 (  first one I worked the dip too much. fixed it on the second and much better. Plus two great 205s with solid lockouts!


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215 x 1 x 2! 205 x 1 x 2, laterals rear delts and front raises

 This went great except for my second  attempt miss ( lost the X on the drive) but CAME BACK AND MADE IT ON A THIRD ATTEMPT! So happy and de...