Friday, December 31, 2021

45 lb thursday ruck, full six laps


This went well albeit slow. Glad that is was actually cold today ( long sleeves gloves and hat cold), it always makes it so much easier. But the ruck felt good, the knee felt good  and lungs felt good. My legs however are obviously weaker from lack of this extra day.

Shocking how quickly they fall off, as I've noted before but man it's crazy

Writing this Friday morning and calf/knee is 100% normal. thank g-d

45 lb ruck

6 laps

60 min

ave speed 3 mph


BW 173.8
BF 13.7

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

175 x 5 x 4 ( barely), 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 I thought I was recovered enough from Mondays grindfest to push through 175 x 5 x 5 but obviously not. Pretty  clear from the first set, where I got the first 4 good but lost my balance on the fifth  rep. I repeated it but it  was downhill from there

thought I might make 5 on the last set but delts and tri's were just cooked. Plus my CNS was also toasty

I actually slept well last night and thought that would be enough but no bueno

135 x  3
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 5 (4+1)
175 x 3 missed 4
175 x 4
175 x 4 x 2
195 x 5 sec setup
205 x setup
225 x setup x 3 Not bad at all actually

24 kg swings 5 x8/8  just beat up

Not used to this weather at all anymore. Cold, wet damp, low pressure. definitely feel it

Floor pushups
2  x 50

BW 173.4
BF 14.0

Monday, December 27, 2021

205,210,215,220 215, 210 press, wt pushups, one arm laterals, rear delts

 This went way better than it could have, I was dead beat today, almost sleepwalking. But I wanted to stress test this new starting position and while it wasn't even close to perfect , it worked. Whenever I an press 220 ( even just to 7/8 lockout) it's a good day

Especially weighing 172!

Just not very focused at all and had trouble "feeling" my  legs, in a tightness sense. Kept shifting focus to upper body

Also good news, calf/knee really good after yesterdays ruck so I'm on the right track for that too

Two things

I HAVE TO LOCK THE KNEES ( that's the whole reason for this new upright stance, it should be much easier to lock and hold than bowing back, but it was the first time with real weights so I rushed a bit. But the lock is KEY

SPOT THE X ( I missed 205 first time out as I just threw my head but lost the X and the bar went in front

Lesson learned

135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 Not as easy or light as it should have been. Plus freakin' cold in the garage

205 x 1

215 x 1

220 x 1

but I missed 205 first attempt then 210 on the down set

I  was sore and tired

wt pushups
53 x 10 x 3

one arm laterals 3 x 8/8 20

bent laterals 3 x 10 20lb

BW 172.4
BF 13.7

Sunday Ruck

  I think I might have this calf/knee thing figured out. Switched back to the Salomons but more importantly figured out how the femur/tibia screwdown mechanism is supposed to work FINALLY! and I think that might have done the trick

Concentrated on internal rotation of the femur during the support phase of gait and it seems to work perfectly. No issues afterward either

If this holds it's a game changer. All the tight  muscles surrounding the calf/knee have released. I KNEW the fibula wasn't tracking right but didn't know how to re set it. Now I do

45 lb ruck

8 laps

9300 steps 

1:25 ( lots of stops to check)

no squat stretches

ran out of time but next week 10 laps AND weighted ruck on thursday again

BW 174
BF 14.1

Saturday, December 25, 2021

40 kg One Arm Swings 200 reps, Goblet squats

 Solo workout today and little sleep ( and LIGHT) but wanted to get back to full volume so I did. It wasn't easy but not too hard either after I started thumping my abs in between sets to release the tension and get my back to relax

Zercher squatting that 40 lb dog fifty times a day ( especially in the middle of the night) is making me more functionally strong but killing my growth and making everything even more tight!

As jocko would day GOOD

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4 
24 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 5/5 x 20 sets

40 min total Not bad power actually

Goblet squats
20 kg x 5
24 kg x 3
32 kg x 3

dats it . Merry Christmas!

BW 172.2 ! WTF?
BF 11.9 ( bth)
W 58.7

Thursday, December 23, 2021

45 lb Thursday Ruck, new shoes and maybe a calf fix


I had a wild idea that maybe it's my GoRuck boots that are causing my politeus issues. I switched to them from my  Salomons a few years ago but I never  had any issues with the Salomons. Lately I've been wearing them with no issues on my bodyweight walks on thursdays and wore the GoRucks on Sunday  which wrecked my calf

So I did five strong laps today with the Salomons with 45 lbs and NO PROBLEMS. We'll see Sunday with the long one but this was great news, that all I need is shoe change. Will see though

Also I think I should go back to weighted thursdays as well. Too big a jump with just one weight day I think

45 lb ruck

5 laps

2.5 miles

7152 steps

BW 173.8
BF 14.3

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

170 lb press 5x5 new start position/technique,24 kg swings,floor pushups

 This went as good as I could have hoped. Got plenty  of practice with the new start position and it worked perfectly every time. even at weight

of course the true test is next monday with heavy  weight but man it feels right

I was tired ( up four times last night with dog and cats) and pretty sore from monday so it was an even better day


175 x 5 x 5

This is the start position I've been looking for. I can stand up straight, totally focus on locking my knees and glutes without worrying about losing balance and get as fast a start as I want, as long as I spot the X!

Next the loaded bow position works great from the top down and really is the drive position

Very excited about the possibilities

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

Floor pushups

3 x 45

great day!

Monday, December 20, 2021

205,210,215 weight ladder, wt pushups, one arm laterals, bent laterals

  These went kinda ok, missed two of the reps ( 205 in the first rung and 210 in the second) before doing them over but I think I figured out how to get into my "grind" position ( loaded bow) without starting in it.

True to form I didn't get it until after the work sets were done but I did a few and I think it has promise. I've tried this before and it didn't work then( bar got pushed forward as it did the first time I tried it today but THEN I realized I should try spotting the X on my ceiling and MAN did it fly!

If I can learn to start from a completely vertical position it will be the game changer

the five rep sets are working to strengthen my bow/drive position but it doesn't help the start and, with the work weights so light in 5x5 I can make a mistake and still easily correct.

So, it helps one issue but not the most important one, the start. 
This may be it though:

 these are the two weight ladder rungs, minus the misses 

Really bad sleep last night and the heavy swings and ruck took their toll, as expected. SO all things considered this was a decently strong workout

Wt pushups
3 x 10 53 lbs

one arm laterals
3 x 8/8 20

bent laterals
3 x 8 20s

BW 173.8
BF 14.3

Sunday, December 19, 2021

9 lap Ruck


Surprised this went as well as it did, as I haven't had a ruck on my back for two weeks and missed last sundays' long one altogether. Plus I was expecting more physical trauma from yesterdays heavy swings but no, all was good.

But it was still slow and sloggy. A crisp 34 degrees this morning which was perfect but it took my 5 laps to really  warm up and get going

Also put back support squat stretches in the mix each lap and they got better each time. Definitely need to keep these in there for leg strength as well as knee/hip ROM

Right calf held up well but I can tell  not doing my single leg KOT Soleus raise is hurting me. Soleus tightened up again after and I'm sure it's because it's not strong enough. Also. more shin raises.Now I know for sure

45 lb ruck

9 laps

6 squat stretches

1:30 exact for the 9 laps plus come and go time

BW 173.8
BF 14.1

Saturday, December 18, 2021

60 and 68kg One arm swings, goblet squats, pullaparts

 This workout had me worried. I really really spent time focusing in my technique and pre training prep.It paid off well. this was as good a session with these bells as I've had. 

Made sure to stay in my legs and the balance was much better. Great prep warmup too and a good nights sleep didn't hurt at all

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4
60 kg x 4/4 x 7

68 kg x 5/5 transfer on second set only > Next time two sets
these were much stronger than expected especially at 173 lbs!

Goblet squat
20 kg x 5
24 kg x 5
32 kg x 5
not as deep as I would like but haven't done them in a year at least it seems

was going to do crawls as well but didn't want to add too much new stuff in the mix. Next time

Pullaparts 3 x 30 three angles

BW 172.8
BF 12.3
W 57.1

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Fast walk

 Got out earlier today and it was beautiful; cool, crisp, overcast

I was fast too, 6 laps, 3 miles in 43 min. Not hard at all to hold that pace either. All parts felt great and have made sure to work my anterior tibs every day. That does make a difference

3 miles

43 min

4+ MPH

BW 172.4 !! damn
BF 14.5  dehydrated?

165 lb press 5x5 , 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 This went great. Perfect time to back off as I was sore in the front delts from the missed heavy reps on monday

But this was light enough to really focus on technique across the board

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8


Floor pushups

3 sets of 45 ( hard but doable)

BW 174.2
BF 14.1

Monday, December 13, 2021

215 x 1 x 5 sets ( 7 attempts), wt pushups, laterals, rear delts

 Again, pulled this  one out of my butt. Pleased it went so well considering all the parameters and that I haven't touched this weight in a month

Not perfect but way decent and the third set WAS pretty close to perfect

Still need a lot of work on timing and balance between the takeoff and knee lock but when it hits it flys

65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1 strong 

215 x 1  not perfect but made
215 x miss rushed the lockout and lost balance backwards
215 x 1 best rep all day

Missed rep four out of balance but then made the last three really well

Weighted pushups
bw  x 10
53 x 10 x 3

laterals and rear delts  20's

BW 173.8 
BF 14.2

ate up in the morning and was 174.4 right before workout

Saturday, December 11, 2021

48kg One arm swings, ATG split squat week 7, laterals rear delts

 Pulled this one out of the fire.

Poor sleep ,up three times for various issues

35 degrees in garage. freakin cold

Had to watch ( and listen to) the doggo  while we trained. Not the best focus but got it done semi strongly

Got to take hot bath and stretch though and that helped

One arm swings

48 kg x 10 x 5/5

these actually felt ok. really stayed focus on keeping the load in my legs and initiating and completing the move from my knees. that keeps my balance the best it seems

Not quite the height I would hope for but all things considered not bad

ATG split squats

4 x 8/8

decent but had to use voodoo floss on right knee as it mal positioned on thursday  from me over demo'ing quad stretch. 

I got it back in place when I got up this AM but the floss helped

this is definitively responding and ROM is increasing

laterals rear delts as usual 3 x 10 15s

BW 172.4 fuck!
BF 12.5 Bath
W 57.5

lean though :)

Thursday Fast walk


One of the best yet. Very cool, overcast day. Almost cold, ALMOST time to wear long pants. But not yet

But perfect walking weather and today was fast and easy and strong

I actually never really thought I could get my walks to generate the same feelings of 'floating', effortless movement and feeling like I could go as fast or as long as I wanted to but the last month or so of thursdays walks have changed my mind

Especially today.

SO strong and fast I  couldn't believe it

6 laps

44 min

3 miles

14.5 or so min per  mile.

4+ MPH

can't ask for more than that

BW 172.8!! yikes
BF 14.0

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

175 lb Press x 5 x 5 PR, 24 kg swings floor pushups

 Perhaps the best press workout I've ever done, including my two plates 225 lb press!

This just went perfectly from  start to finish with the best focus I've ever had in the press and the most adherent to the same technique from start to finish of the workout

I almost can't believe I did it; nor how strong and focused it was. It was like a dream of a perfect workout.

But it's real, I actually did it. Each rep was almost identical as was each set. AND I didn't blow it by messing up the last set as I am prone to do

Just pure joy. Plus, it wasn't that hard

My cues were

1) set up in front of the bar

2) breathe

just before each set I thought to myself  " attack it" and I did

It was cold and damp and I went straight from client to garage without my normal bath but I was so cold I decided to take a very very hot 5 min shower thinking it was better than nothing and it was way better. Almost as good as a bath 

I will use this technique this winter on Wednesdays

65 85 105 x 3

135 x 3
155 x 2
165 x 1
175 x 5 x 5

24 kg swings
5 x 8/8 

Floor pushups
3 sets of 40 good power

BW 174
BF 13.9

Put a star on this one!

Monday, December 06, 2021

210 x 1 x 7 sets, wt pushups, one arm laterals, rear delts

 Wanted to repeat last weeks workout, thinking I could do it stronger and save a little for Wednesdays bodyweight 5 x 5. And while it was a little bit better it should have been mo betta. BUT I think I found another piece of the puzzle

Setting up in front of the bar is correct ( Ed Coan setup), locking the knees is correct BUT I need to lock the knees keeping them also in front of the bar. If I just lock them back it's easy to shift the weight to my heels and put me off balance

Also , locking then going works best IF I really lock them. It's a risky technique.

65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 2
175 x 2
195 x 1
205 x 1
210 x 1 x 7
sets 1,3,7 shown

Then 185 x 1 x 3 down sets

Wt pushups
BW  x 10
53 x 10 x 3
strong and powerful

One arm laterals 3 x 8/8  with 20

Bent laterals
3 x 10 20 lbs

BW 174
BF 13.3
W 58.7

Working Ruck


And by that I mean I was on my phone trying to get things done as I also rucked. Not the best combination to do but at least both  got done

Have been backing off the shin raises to let the crack in my heel heal ( lol) and I could tell I  need to get back on them. My right arch and calf was starting to talk to me at the insertion of the anterior tib and as soon as I did some it release. Picky little bitch

45 lb ruck

8 laps !

1:25 ( all the stops)

1:35 total on feet

9500 steps or so

Legs felt good but head totally distracted. 

BW 174
BF 13.3

Saturday, December 04, 2021

44 kg One Arm Swings 12 x 5/5, ATG split squats week 6, pistol practice, laterals, rear delts

 This was decent. While not my best it was solid. Body felt good, groove felt solid and had decent sleep; although tons of stress lately across the board.Actually thought I had a cold last night but woke up ok Overall very strong.

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 5/5 x 12 sets

ATG split squats  
3 x 8/8 best knee ROM yet

Left leg pistol focus on depth
2 x 3 left leg only

Laterals/ rear delts with 3 x 10/10 15s

BW 174.8
BF 11.9
W 58.9

Friday, December 03, 2021

Thursday Ruck


A very fast and solid outing. Felt light and loose from the start with no physical issues for a change except for a sore right big toenail ,lol

Perfect fall  day, cool and crisp and I was happy to be out there

6 laps in 44 min, basically 14.5 min miles for 3 miles with no stops

This is as close to as I've felt  to back in the day when I could run well and my body would just go on autopilot. I'd be sitting above myself watching myself run (walk) . One of the best feelings in the world!

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

44 min

BW 174.8
BF 13.9

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

170 x 5 x 5 All Time PR. 24 kg speed swings,floor pushups

 Fucked up start, almost didn't start at all but ended up good, with a minor flaw

Schedule mess up left me with the pup right at the start of training time and zero guarantee he wouldn't howl his head off in the crate or with us in the gym. Turned out better than expected but I was ready to cash it in and just do it another time

But we got started and Nick took control of doggo and it all went well

Made three solid sets of 5 and four started off strong when I banged the rail on the 4th rep but still recovered but did it again on the fifth and lost it forward!

There went a perfect 5x5 but I took the fourth set over and made it then made the fifth on the sixth set!

I will take it

set five listed above is actually set six 

Next week will be bodyweight for 5x5 and really decent feat of strength

24 kg swing  5 x 8/8

Floor pushups




tri's got cooked

BW 174.8

BF 13.9

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...