Saturday, November 06, 2021

44 kg One arm swings, ATG split squat, laterals, rear delts

 This went very well. Knee was working the best it's been in months ( literally) and all systems were go. Weight felt light(ish) and height was good as well. Rest between sets about 1:45 so it wasn't slow but this just happened naturally

44 kg One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5/ x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 5/5 x 12 sets
120 reps
11,640 lbs

ATG Split squats| week 2
 Better than last week. Didn't hyper focus on locking back knee and it was easier. Focus was on knee over toe. This could take forever to get the hams covering the calves tho but that's ok
Used Voodoo floss on right knee for first three sets then none on last set
either way was fine

                                                                                                                                                                                 4 sets of 8/8

Db side laterals 3 x 10
Rear delts  3 x 10

BW 175.00!!
BF 13.3 ( bath)
Light  from dealing with pup and not enough rest or food but it's fine. Could use to lose some fat anyway lol

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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29