Wednesday, September 29, 2021

195 x 1 x 12 ,24 kg swings , band triceps extensions

 Well  I was not expecting this today. I mean to suck so badly. All over the place and, of course, I didn't figure it out until the end. I was planning on doing sets with 195 and 5 with 200 but 195 was so wobbly I didn't dare go up. I could have gone down

I just could not seem to get my lets to stay tight after the launch of the press. started off right but then lost it, or the X at the sticking point

Still having some vertigo and slight dizziness which I attribute to semi clog eustachian  tubes, I thought my hearing was going but it's congestion which is better than meniere's disease. for sure. The other good news is that my knee is locking back out again and I didn't realized til the end of the workout that this, and wearing the flatter Adidas shoe, was what was throwing me off

I switched to the adidas shoe to help me get off my toes as much and lock out my knee better. But now it is and I think I need the innov8 heel again

Which after I finished the 12 shitty sets I but the innov8s back on and smoked 185 like nothing

The lower heel was making it harder to root. So kinda wasted workout but not really

Strong though

These are sets 2, 5 and 10

sets 1, 3,6 and 9 really were so so and I missed outright behind me? weird but all kinds of weird shit happens when the base doesn't stay tight. forward backward nowhere. who knows but not right  that's for sure

195 x 1 x 12 sets

then 24 kg swings

5 x 8/8 in innov8s

green band triceps ext

3 x 20 25 22

BW 175.8
BF 13.6

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