"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Monday, March 30, 2020
32 kg One arm swings 14 x 10, wt pushups, one arm laterals
Damn solid one. Everything felt good and spot on for a change. Easily could have done 20 sets this way no problem
This is the perfect way to do this de load day. 10 reps per arm really challenges both the power output to stay high for the 15 secs the set takes but also the power endurance of just that arm.
But it's relatively easy to really give it all for the set.
Plus it's very nice that the 32 now officially feels like the 24 kg used to
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 10 x 14 sets
140 reps
9800 lbs
didn't really even break a sweat and we were going fast
Wt pushups horiz bar
bw x 10
53 x 10
85 x 8 x 2
very strong!
One db laterals 3 x 10/10 with 20
bent laterals 3 x 10 with 20
BW 172.4
BF 14.2
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Real Ruck
This was a solid one. Not a great one, but a solid one with no interruptions and no shortcuts. It almost came up a lap or so short when the weather started to turn and my legs started to tire but it didn't rain and I finished strong.
Absolutely perfect weather, cool but not cold, perfect ocean like breeze and such fresh air just like I like it
Legs were very good at first but got a bit toasty around lap 10
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
7 squat stretches
13,174 steps
5.8 miles
more than a few little stops to shake out the legs as they were feeling yesterdays pistols! especially the rec fem
BW 171.2
BF 14.7
W 56.6
Saturday, March 28, 2020
205 lb press x 1 x 4, 185 x 1 x 3, pistol practice, floor pushups
Pretty fucked up workout. Bad news right as I stepped into the gym and had a really hard time getting my head into the game. Actually had a hard time getting out of my head and into my body. My timing was all over the place. Finally got things basically sorted but it took forever
65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2 meh
155 x 1 still meh
175 x 1 better
195 x X WTF???
195 x 1 but not strong
205 x X Again pushing forwards! definitely having a hard time with the set up and not leaning back
205 x 1 x 4 actually decent but not "right"
205 x 1 x X switched belts to thinner belt and it through me off but I think the power belt was making it harder to lean back enough
185 x X WHAT?
185 x 1 x 3 super fast! SO all over the place!
not fucking happy
Don't think I had my elbows up enough at start but literally nothing felt right and I was rushing everything
Bummer too as I felt good coming in, slept well body ok, even took my supps before
4 x 5/3
actually felt good
have to keep weight on ball of foot
Floor pushups
3 sets of 55! that's shocking actually
BW 172.6
BF 12.7 ( bath)
Friday, March 27, 2020
Just a boring steady ruck
Body still feels good but such weird times
50 lb ruck
5 laps
7500 steps ( or so)
50 min
2.5 miles
BW 172.3
BF 14.1
Body still feels good but such weird times
50 lb ruck
5 laps
7500 steps ( or so)
50 min
2.5 miles
BW 172.3
BF 14.1
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
135-180 lb press weight ladder x 3, 20 kg snatch, laterals
This went great! All parts holding together, including my brain :) ( but barely ). Going to just triples was a great idea Glenn convinced me to do and it was the exact right thing. After 15 seconds of high tension I can grind out reps but the form suffers and I am not helping the motor pattern; which is the true weakness.
This went very well and the reclaiming mid foot after each rep was perfect but also had to reclaim ELBOW position and that was a game changer. THE game changer, I think for more than one rep
And this technique maximizes the first rep which is actually perfect for my goals of ONE REP MAX lol
65 85 105 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3
170 x 3
175 x 3
180 x 3 !
7 sets of 3 = 21 reps so very close in volume to 5x5/25 ( 84%)
20kg KB snatch
5 x 7/7
70 reps
the cycle will be
20 kg x 7/7
22 kg x 6/6
24 kg x 5/5
this was good
side raises/rear delts
3 x 10/10 15s
BW 172.6
BF 14.3
Monday, March 23, 2020
60 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 5/5, wt pushups, one arm laterals
Really really good session today. Strongest my grip has been on these ever. And that's nice as if I don't have to fight so hard just to hang on, I can concentrate on more power and hip drive.
Never felt afraid tweaking or the transfer or anything.
Good move NOT to use the 68 kg as that bell still scares me and with all this virus shit constantly going on and such a huge change in routine and life and everything I see no need to take a risk. the 60 kg is heavy enough thank you.
Body and mind felt focused and strong today. Very nice
One arm swings
16 kg 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets
100 reps
13,200 lbs
Wt horiz bar pushups
BW x 10
53 x 10 x 3
focused on going slower, and lower and really getting more stretch in the pecs and shoulders as per my new shoulder strength requirements
One arm laterals
3 x 10/10 with 20s
loving this technique more and more
bent laterals
3 x 10 with 20s
BW 173.2
BF 13.3 !!
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Corona Ruck
the good news is that being sheltered in place is not upsetting my regular routine all that much. Regular ruck and hanging out at home taking my usual two nap sunday after is just about regular
except the whole rest of the world is turning to shit. fast. But all I can do is do what I can and stay as strong and healthy as I can to help others and my family
Never appreciated being able to walk strong, breathe deeply and easily and how beautiful my neighborhood is as today
50 lb ruck
11 laps
6 squat stretches
12,193 steps
5.4 miles
1:55 min
Legs were light and relatively loose, if not strong or bouncy but I took it very slowly and just put in the time. stopped and chatted with neighbors out as well so I was a lap short but that's just fine
Have a big 60 kg swing day tomorrow and want the legs fresh anyway
BW 172.2
BF 13.6
Saturday, March 21, 2020
200 lb press 7 x 1, 185 lbs 3 x 1, pistols, floor pushups
This went very well. Not perfect but I learned a key component in the process. I was light today too,
not much appetite these days with all the world chaos and altered life routines so the work load was decent but those standards as well
The last piece of this puzzle( I hope) was what to do after unracking the weight and right before I throw my head back and press up. I HAVE been "squeezing the sponge" lat activation as I've done for years but have also realized that it has a serious flaw of pulling the bar out of position in the process
Not to mention also lowering the bar an inch or so making for a longer press. After missing my second set of 200 I decided to try not doing anything after unracking but getting flat on my feet and it worked great!
This is great- one LESS thing to do before I press. I just have to really throw the head hard as I initiate
65 85 105 x 5
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 so so
195 x 1 fast actually
200 x 1 ok but not perfect still tightening lat first
200 x 1 x 6 as above. These worked very well
185 x 1 x 3
Rack walkouts
225 x 5 secs
235 x 5 secs
4 sets of 5/3
these went very well. 1-2 finger light self spot
Floor pushups
53 x 3
last set was very hard but they all got done
BW 171.6
BF 12.7
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Just got it done Ruck
Since we are on state mandated shelter in place I'm at home doing facetime personal training sessions. Very happy to have the work but it's very different from my usual training and it's taking a bit to get used to. Didn't realize that actual one on one personal training would be that much easier but it is
So I was itching to get out of the house get my legs moving and fresh air in my lungs,especially since the weather has been so perfect of late ; 50 deg, overcast and lots of humidity from all the wonderful rain
But my legs were super tight until almost the very end. no doubt from being so freaking tense about all this stuff ; they didn't warm up for almost 50 minutes! But the last lap was very nice ,lol
50 lb ruck
6 laps
7298 steps
3.5 miles
60 minutes
RPE 9 had to stop numerous times to shake out the legs and calves
BW 173.4
BF 13.3 !
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
135-170 lb press ladder, 24 kg kb snatch, one arm laterals
This went well. All the techniques stayed the same but more focus on hip drive as I drove my head back. Video shows I might be leaning too far back too early before I throw the head, seems to put the bar line too far to the rear
Still have to sort the rack position right before I press a bit more
Also, I will start doing threes instead of fives. Three reps takes ten seconds which is more than enough time under tension to transfer to a max effort single. With all these pauses fives are too long it seems; I start to lose tightness at 4 and 5th rep.
Still happy with the arc, the ability to finish hard reps and the bar path. It's definitely much more of a shoulder dominant groove and I know they are going to have to get stronger. I've been focused on my triceps strength for so long
45, 65 85 105 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
170 x 4 solid!
170 x 2
24 kg KB Snatch
5 x 5/5
not bad at all!
One arm laterals
3 x 10/10 with 20's
Bent laterals palms in
3 x 10 with 20s
BW 173
BF 13.9
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Rainy ruck
The weather broke for just about the right amount of time this morning, from 7-8:30, after raining hard all night, which we desperately need. The air was cool and brisk and again, so full of O2 after a rain. Plus it was barely close to sunrise, also my favorite time of day.
Legs felt heavy though and I was a bit hungover from the night before so I just took it slowly and enjoyed being able to breathe easy and be able to walk painfree at all
What a blessing
50 lb ruck
9 laps
8 squat stretches
10,500 steps
4.6 miles
RPE 8.5
BW 172.2
BF 14.4
Saturday, March 14, 2020
195 lb press x 1 x 7, 225 rackhold,pistols, floor pushups
Weird day. Body was good but head was all over the place with this Corona virus crisis that's exploded these last two days exponentially. Some seriously scary shit and something's that's impacting me and everyone else in very intense ways with no guarantee of much worse to come.
A world wide shutdown. Never thought I'd see it happen like this. The power grid going out, or being taken out,a war, a natural disaster sure ,but not a flu pandemic
The only thing that doesn't change is that everything changes. All the freakin time, and when you least expect it, the world shifts. And the change usually hurts.
That's what we train for, practice for, prepare for, to be strong when it counts. In the real world. Game time.
Everything else is just hot air.
The good news is that the Kono press technique felt great, but I was not that strong in the groove. It was a nice straight line, and I felt under it the whole way but I could tell those muscles were not being used to work precisely like that. But they'll get stronger
The key is that the line is correct.'
Setup has to be flat on my feet with tight quads
Flex the lats and load
Drive the head back first and the hips forward at the same time.
Was so focused on head drive I missed a strong hip move but it's fine it'll come. the good news also is that everything felt very natural and balanced. No weird positions I was trying to force myself into
The 225 lb rack hold was perfect and I can really see how that will help.
65 85 105 x 5
135 x 2
155 x 2
175 x 2
195 x 1 x 7 sets
( missed set 6 first try, fell back to old hip drive.)
rack holds
225 x 5 sec x 2
4 x 5/3
Floor pushups
better than expected
BW 172.2
BF 12.6
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
135-170 lb Press weight ladder(all pauses), 22 kg snatch,single arm laterals
This went great! Feeling really well these last few days; the best I have ever adapted to DST and have been sleeping really well. Finally don't feel sick at all and cough is 99% gone. Energy was solid.
The goal of today's workout was to decide if the new unrack position would work and it's a yes. Trying to unrack it to an upright position instead of laying back and holding the weight with the arms and legs not just the hips
Seemed to work well and Glenn figured out I have to drive my head back first as I press- I was thinking shoulders back instead but head back is much better cue.. Reps are a bit harder as re claiming the unrack stance is tougher but keeping the weight on the center of the foot seems to be a key
It might help a lot that the first rep is the best- that's all I really need, eh?
The more upright unracking also seemed to put my elbows right under the bar and that seemed to help as well
65 85 105 x 5
135 x 5 all pauses
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
170 x 4 ( could have made five but didn't want to grind)
135 x 3 x 2 form practice
95 x 3 x 2
22 kg kb snatch
5 x 5/5
decent, and overhead position still seems best in a long time
one arm lateral
20 lbs x 10/10 x 3
rear delt
20 lb x 3 x 10
BW 173.2
BF 14.7
Monday, March 09, 2020
44 kg One arm swings, wt pushups, laterals
I hate daylight saving time.Ever since I started getting up for work at 3:30 am I realized the very distinct difference between standard time and DST ; standard time is the REAL time and DST is wrong. Standard 3:30 am is early morning, DST 3:30 am is LATE NIGHT
Gives me jetlag and it sucks. Takes about a week to get used to it but it's never really right. MY body breathes a sigh of relief after six months of this bullshit
So, pretty tired going in but it turned out to be a decent day. Very grateful for that.
One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3//3
44 kg x 5/5
x 6/6
x 7/7 x 3 rounds then on extra set of 7/7
122 reps
11,834 lbs
RPE 7.5
power,bell speed, bell height and lungs were all good. pretty short rest periods and it was just glenn and I
wt horiz bar pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
double laterals
3 x 10/10 with 15s
best this has felt in eons. haven''t done tens in eons too
finally feel "not sick" or in recovery. very nice
BW 173.6 !!
BF 14.1
BF 14.1
Sunday, March 08, 2020
Strong Ruck
This went great despite the Daylight saving time change. It was extra dark and cool this morning which was perfect and the air was ripe with extra O2 after it had rained all night. My favorite
50 Lb ruck
12 laps
5 squat stretches
13,029 steps
5.8 miles
last 1.5 miles in 25 min ( 16.5 min/mile!)
RPE 7.5
Lungs finally felt normal again and coughing is down to almost nothing
BW 172.4
BF 14.1
Saturday, March 07, 2020
205 lb press x 1 x 5, 185 x 2 x 3, pistol practice , floor pushups
Very solid one. Not great but solid. Groove was decent but timing was not quite right( go figure) I think I have to stay more upright after the uracking and layback as I press
The key is definitely laying back AS I press up ( not forward) and being tight as I do so, But it felt "right" and I'll take that
205 wasn't easy but the video is of the first set and they got better. And, after comparing a lot of other 205 lifts it was better( faster) than most.
The model is Tommy Kono
this will take more practice but I know it's the best path. Just like the close stance hi bar squat it's not without it's issues but it is the best leverage for my bodytype, strengths and weaknesses I believe and I've tried almost everything
After those I did 3 sets of 2 with 185 which went very well so the groove held up
65 85 105 x 4
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 fast
195 x 1 very fast
205 x 1 x 5
185 x 2 x 3
New Plan
Saturday; work up to new pr with 5 x 5
Wednesday speed singles with 175-185 or play with mini bands for speed work
Pistol practice
3 sets of 5/3 with very light self assist
coming along well. wearing Innov8 shoes here
Floor Pushups
tri's and delt tired
BW 172.2
BF 12.6
Thursday, March 05, 2020
Half ruck
Tried to wear my Danner Tannicus's for todays ruck and it was disaster! Barely made it 3 laps before my calves and shins gave out! So weird. I really want to be able to wear these boots as they look so cool but they don't work and I'm going to have to accept it.
For some reason the boot won't let my ankle dorsiflex well and it totally ruins my ankle mobility and motor pattern! The anterior tib loads up, the left calf and popliteus and nothing feels right. To GoodWill they go!
SO I went home and bought the coyote version of my MacV1's!! The new Gen 2s literally just came out. Going to try to wear them to ruck in as the Salomons are about done.These Gen 2 version supposedly have a beefed up outer sole and toe box. We'll see, just hope they feel as good as the black version
30 min ruck
3 laps
4198 steps
1.8 miles
BW 172
BF 14.1
For some reason the boot won't let my ankle dorsiflex well and it totally ruins my ankle mobility and motor pattern! The anterior tib loads up, the left calf and popliteus and nothing feels right. To GoodWill they go!
SO I went home and bought the coyote version of my MacV1's!! The new Gen 2s literally just came out. Going to try to wear them to ruck in as the Salomons are about done.These Gen 2 version supposedly have a beefed up outer sole and toe box. We'll see, just hope they feel as good as the black version
30 min ruck
3 laps
4198 steps
1.8 miles
BW 172
BF 14.1
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
135-175 weight ladder, 20 kg snatches, one arm lateral, rear delts
Did not sleep well at all last night , my first rib was really really out and after spending most of the evening working on it it wasn't right.
Levator scapula was locked down and I tried everything I new. It was the jump stretch band over the shoulder to depress the rib that seemed to help the most
sleeping was a nightmare, up every couple hours and fitful sleep in between but once I got up and started moving it felt decidedly better; and continued to do so all morning.
Actually felt pretty normal by the time I was to train; as I hoped it would be. Too many times like this but havent had pain like this in years and I don't miss it, That used to be my life x 10000. yikes
No wonder I was cranky
Went back to the form I used at the start when I was walking it out :
1) set the feet under the bar so the bar is directly over mid foot
2) unrack with quads then lay back into glutes.
not an exaggerated arch
3) thumbed grip
4) load the arms; think of this press as an arm/ shoulder move, not a lower body lift
5) press the bar straight up and lay back but not excessively
move around the bar, don't expect the bar to move around me
65 85 105 x 4
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 3
175 x 2
just tired and using a new groove. videoed set was the worst,the rest were much smoother. Plus this feels natural very much like a close stance high bar squat does. Don't have to think
20 kg snatch
6 sets of 5/5
60 reps
2640 lbs
these felt good on the shoulder, which btw felt totally normal during the pressing! so weird how it can go from one horrible extreme to the other so quicly
one db lateral
3 sets of 10 with 15s
rear delt
3 x 10 with 20's palms facing
BW 172.4
BF 14.1
Monday, March 02, 2020
40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10/10, horiz wt pushups, laterals
This went great! About as strong as I've felt in weeks! Just in time for this heavy volume workout too. It wasn't easy but I was strong throughout and suffering was minimal, ,mind was solid.
One Arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
17,600 lbs
Wt Pushups Horiz parallette
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
this felt great! surprisingly good guess it was time to change
laterals/rear delts
3 x 10/10 with 15s
BW 173.2
BF 13.6 !
Sunday, March 01, 2020
Hard ruck
Hard, as in it was hard to do. not any special speed or intervals or anything like that. Just was a bit beat up and tired and legs took 1.5 hours to really warmup and then I was tired, lol.
But it got done. Nice and brisk out so it was easier to push through
Main Goal is still
" A back of Iron and Legs that never quit"
Keep the goal the goal
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 squat stretches
1:55 min
12,989 steps
5.8 miles
RPE 8.5
BW 172.6
BF 13.6 no bath surprisingly low
Tough swing workout tomorrow, have to get my mind ready
But it got done. Nice and brisk out so it was easier to push through
Main Goal is still
" A back of Iron and Legs that never quit"
Keep the goal the goal
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 squat stretches
1:55 min
12,989 steps
5.8 miles
RPE 8.5
BW 172.6
BF 13.6 no bath surprisingly low
Tough swing workout tomorrow, have to get my mind ready
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